Chapter thirty two

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Gabe's POV-
Three weeks later...

"Momma I've been trying to get a hold of you for what seems like a week now. Dont tell me you've been avoiding your first born phone calls." I asked momma chucking into the phone.

"No boy I haven't been avoiding you. You should know by now that I've been running myself raged trying to get everything done on my end down here for you. I'm only one person son." Momma snapped good heartedly.

"And I appreciate everything you've done for me over the last few weeks. Lord knows I would still be lost at the start line had I not called you for help momma. But when I was talking to daddy earlier he said you guys would be here in two days? I've spoken to the B&B in town and all the reservation are in place for then."

I had the whole Langley crew coming into town for the surprise party I was throwing Lilly on Friday. I wanted my family to share in my big moment with Lilly.

"Yes if your father would step on it we would be to you in one day. But you know how he drives slower than a dead turtle." Momma said poking fun at daddy. But everyone in the Langley family knew Gabriel Sr hated taking family vacation in the RV. And let me remind you he's currently driving said RV.

"Easy on daddy you know he hates being far from the ranch, and driving that RV for hours on end isn't helping anything."

"Ya ya you keep telling your self that Gabe. But you better have everything in place for this party. Your asking the women to marry you son, you need to have all your ducks in a row." Momma informed me for the hundredth time.

"I'm putting the finishing touches on her back deck now. I've got Bryan and Margaret working on the food and guest list as we speak. Everything else is taken care of except for the ring. Please tell me you remembered the ring Momma?" My heart was about to beat clear out of my chest at the idea of Momma leaving my Great grandmother's engagement ring back in Texas.

"Boy of course I didnt forget the damn ring! I was so happy for you when you called me a couple of weeks ago saying you finally needed it. I cant wait to have Lilly as a daughter." Momma practically yelled.

"Alright thats one less thing I have to worry about then." I said as I released the breath I was holding.

"Has Lilly's brother arrived yet?" Momma asked.

"He's on his way now. I had to have Uncle Marshall pick him up from the airport." I answered nervous about finally meeting James in person. For we had many phone conversation over the last few weeks while trying to orchestrate this surprise. But today I would be asking him a big question.

"Where is he going to be staying until the party?" Momma asked.

"James said he wants to surprise both Lilly and Bryan so he's going to stay over at Uncle Marshall place. This way we dont have to worry about him running into either of them until Friday night. So that's where me and Ryan well be heading once I'm finished at Lilly's house."

"Okay son, I'm going to let you go so you can finish up. We'll call you again when we stop for the night." Momma answered.

"Alright Momma send everyone my love." I said before ending the call.

"Daddy?" Ryan asked looking up from the puppy I had bought him. Lilly and Ryan had talked me into it last weekend when we went to the flea market.

"Ya little man?" I answered while packing up my tools. Lilly's wrap around deck was complete, and it now matched the fresh siding I installed a week ago.

"Is Miss. Lilly really going to be my new mommy?" Ryan asked looking very serious for such a little boy.

"I'm hoping Miss. Lilly well want to be apart of are family. But how do you feel about that little man?" I asked insure of how Ryan would take to the idea of having a new mother figure. I knew he loved Lilly but what I was proposing on Friday was for a lifetime.

"Okay, I was just making sure daddy. I really do love Miss. Lilly, dose this mean I can call her mommy now?" Ryan asked knowlonger looking serious but the opposite.

"I dont know little man lets see how Friday goes." I answered smiling for everything was falling into place. I cant wait to have Lilly in my arms and wearing my ring come Friday night.

Lilly's POV-
Same day...

Why the hell did they call it morning sickness?  I had been hurling since I woke up this morning. And its 6 in the afternoon now, far from being morning. I knew my frequent trips to the bathroom were beginning to become quite noticeable to Margaret and Bryan. But one could only hope they would turn a blind eye just this once.

"Honey I think your hidding something from us." Bryan said as he eyed me with clear suspicion.

I knew I was busted, lord knew these two didnt know how to turn a blind eye when it came to me.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't notice." I answered shrugging.

"Ya well I've seen you run to the bathroom more during this past week than I have in our whole friendship." Bryan answered with a knowing smirk.

"So what are you going to do?" Margaret asked always the voice of reason for the three of us.

"I really dont know.  I'm over joyed at the idea that my body is creating another human being. But I have know idea how Gabe is going to take this big of news." I answered honestly.

"How long have you know?" Bryan asked.

"A little over a week. When I missed my period I took a at home test, and when it came back positive I knew I needed to see my doctor.  So I went to my gynecologist and sure enough I'm four weeks pregnant." After final telling my two best friends my big news I felt like I could breathe a little easier, and that I was so alone.

"Holy shit! Why didn't you tell one of us until now? We would have went with you!" Margaret screeched.

"You know me, hell I'm still surprised and its me. I didnt really want to tell you guy's until I told Gabe but I haven't sceen a lot of him lately." I said giving her a look.

"How the hell did this happen?  I thought I stocked you up on condoms when you started this 'get a life plan!'" Bryan asked laughing.

"Well you see what had happened was we kinda forgot that step the first time." I was blushing like a sinner in church at this point. 

"I guess he really is a Cowboy God even his swimmers have supernatural powers." Bryan said laughing even harder.

"Oh shut up Bryan!" Margaret snapped elbowing him.

"When are you going to tell Gabe?" Margaret asked.

I had been thinking about the answer to that question from the moment Dr. Welks said your pregnant contradictions. Because really is their ever a good time to tell your boyfriend of a few months you expecting.

"I was thinking about taking to him on Friday. The last time we spoke he said we were going out for the evening." I answered thinking I still had to keep this bomb shell inside for another two days. But when I looked at Margaret and Bryan's faces I couldn't help notching something pass between them when I mentioned Friday.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Nothing Lil, just know Friday well be a night you well never forget." Margaret said smiling like the cat who ate the canary.

"And hell I'm finally going to be a Uncle!!" Bryan yelled in glee before hugging me tight.

"Yes you are." I said holding Bryan tight hoping Gabe would be just as happy at the idea of being a father again.


WOW!  How saw that coming?! Heck I wasn't even prepared for it and im the writer :). I hope all my readers have enjoyed this chapter. Please leave a comment and a vote. Tell me how you think Gabe and Lilly well react to the news their about to receive. And know were getting closer to the end of Lilly and Gabe's story.

With Love,

Chellebelly94 XOXOX

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