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cQueen was still shaking as he placed Echo back in her cell. She wasn't happy about it, trying to whisper sweet encouragement in his ear; to let her out. In truth McQueen did want to escort her to the hospital to see Lizzy, but his mind wasn't up to defending against her manipulative tongue. He needed a breather. He needed some time to process. Hale was bringing the car round and Ramirez had said he'd be more than willing to assist. Maybe, finally they had found their guy.

"I'm going to get out of here Queenie, and when I do, you're going to regret it." Echo seethed as he locked the cell door behind her. Within twenty-four hours, one of two things would happen; either Echo would be escorted to prison to wait out her time until trial for her second-degree murder charges, or she'd be walking with him to the hospital. McQueen didn't quite know which one he hoped for. "Give Liam my love." She shot over her shoulder as she walked to the back of her cell.

A third suspect. Liam Knight. Stalker and crazy if what Echo had said was anything to go by. He'd have to confirm with Ms. Summers, but the guy seemed pretty obsessed with Lizzy. He could have killed her and her clients out of jealousy. Possible, but it was doubtful that Liam would have reason to kill Dwight and Mr. Farrows... unless it was a practice run... but McQueen doubted that too.

On the other hand, they could have all been paid hits by Maddock, the hit man that was currently at large with half the force looking for him. He had been paid to kill Mr. Farrow, as well as killing and stealing the real Maddock's identity. But the tech guys couldn't find a trace of money linking him to Ms. Bowheart or Mr. Primm. Another dead end.

As for the latest victims, when the officers went around, Mr. Primm's husband had a very different reaction than Mrs. Farrows. It seemed Mr. Primm was cheating on his husband with a mistress. His husband had spat as he said her name, telling the officers that his husband suddenly claimed bisexuality and needed to test the notion. Six months later he was still testing, but the guy hadn't paid any hit man. He denied it fervently and had even said if he was going to kill the bastard, he'd do it himself. The tech team had verified that no substantial money had left Mr. Pimm's joint account. Nevertheless, McQueen had filed it away as a possibility, though unlikely.

McQueen could only think perhaps they Lizzy could give them a substantial lead? But that came up with its own list of problems. Their third suspect: Echo.

She knew all the victims and if Ms. Summers was to be believed, had spiked all their drinks with something extra which led to their deaths. Did she do it on purpose? Did she intentionally help them be killed? She could have killed Mr. Farrows and Dwight after drugging them, sneaking out of work to finish them off? If so, she was either an excellent liar and expert in emotions, or does she have multiple people in her back pocket; either helping or working for her. That lead down a scary path: a mass murderer and co-conspirators...? She'd said she'd been working at their estimated time of death and Ms. Summers had collaborated. So, could they both be lying? Working together? Echo had been with him while the second victims had been strung up, and McQueen had seen Ms. Summers working the floor, but he didn't know where she went after he moved upstairs. Both had alibis that he couldn't question. But again... how likely was it that they had help?

Looking through the rusty green bars that speared him and Echo, he watched her promptly ignore him and lie down for a nap. Did mass murderers nap while in the clutches of the police? He'd never seen Echo socialize? He didn't even know if she had any friends. Really, how likely was she to be able to manipulate others?

"Queenie, if you're going to stare I can make the image much more interesting for you? All you got to do is ask." She hummed out from underneath the arms she'd thrown over her face to block the light. "Of course, it'll cost you."

The High Priestess - The Darkest Desires SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now