Grief and Gratitude

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My hands clammy and numb, I put down the phone. I could hardly believe the news. My grandmother, who had seemed to be immune to age, had passed away. Growing up, my parents hadn’t always been around, and so I was particularly close to her. I knew I had to go back home immediately to organise the funeral and whatnot. But, what if Madam wouldn’t let me? Nervously, I made my way towards her and asked. “Madam, my mother just..passed away. I..I need to go back home to...” To my surprise, before I could finish, she gave me an understanding smile, and told me “It’s okay Maria, I know it must be painful. Don’t worry, you can go back home for as long as you need to settle your affairs. I will pay for the airfare too.” Overcome with emotion, I hugged her tightly. I had heard of many “devil employers” who treated their maids unfairly and refused to give them any rest or respite, even if it was an emergency. I really was lucky to have such an understanding and accommodating employer.

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