Chapter 1

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"I'm not crying because of you. I'm crying because I've been stabbed in the back by those who I needed the most, the times I have felt alone when I couldn't afford to be. I'm crying because my delusion of who you were was shattered by the truth of who you are. "

Roseanne spilled out the truth with tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes full with tears. While Jennie's eyes was wide as a football-pool thinking that everything was a dream, not wanting to hear those words, those phrases from Roseanne's voice, not wanting to see those words, those phrases coming out from her lips.

"When my heart was unlovable and attached with emptiness, when I was fragile and loneliness consumed me, you still loved me." Jennie said in a gentle voice sincerely as Roseanne stood up. Roseanne shift her head to the side not wanting to turn back to Jennie she said, "I've suffered enough Jennie. You changed to much, you also didn't kept the promise we did back then." With a cold tone and stare she starts to walk until Jennie pulled her wrist wanting Roseanne facing her. "R-r-rose... please.. please... we've been best friends for years already, please don't leave me... p-p-plea-se give me a second chance Rose..." Jennie said stuttered because of her tears and sobs. Without the trust of herself, Roseanne stopped walking and-" How would you feel when I say 'I'll come back again' ? If I were you I wouldn't believe it. Also, don't call me Rose again." coldly and left Jennie hanging there.

Jennie knelt down as the rain started to pour as much as her tears. "My movements are all for myself, how can I forget about you...I wish I can open the time where only we can exist. If I could, only if I could. What if I stopped, and looked back would I have changed?"


Roseanne arrived home wet and leaned at the door as she closed it slowly. Tears flooding down from her cheeks, 'How can I forget about you Jen... How can I forget about you, even when I'm asleep I look for you unknowingly. I think its a lie that I want to forget about you. '

Roseanne took a bath and lied down on her bed, and dreaming about those times. The times where no one was between us, where the problems we face together not wanting neither one of us to suffer alone. The promises we did together, the times when we decided to skip our classes, the times where laughter could only be hear, only those times. Without realising she smiles as a tear escaped her eyes again.'Memory is a roomy storehouse like the ocean, I am lost in them all day. Even the loneliness that I'm feeling are traces of you. So I force my eyes to shut and just try to endure through this day, only today.'


It was just a fine day when Jennie and Roseanne decided to meet up at the park near their neighbourhood  where they used to eat ice cream and skipping classes there. Roseanne was waiting for Jennie at the swing, painted in French blue, enjoying herself company when she knew that one of Jennies habit is to be late at any meetings or encounters. Roseanne lifts her head up and saw Jennie running bringing a small box and a piece of paper with her to Roseanne while smiling and waving.

"Hi Rose!, I-I'm s-sorry. I'm late again." Jennie said while panting cause the running she did. "You should have come late as well as you know that I'm always late." Jennie continued. "It's fine Jen, by the way what did you bring?" Roseanne said and smiled to Jennie's clumsiness of time. "I bought a gift and our pledge papers." With curiosity Roseanne asks simply-"What for?.." Jennie emphasize her voice and replied;"For our long lasting friendship."

Then they face at each other and pledged together,

"If you need to talk, I'll listen.

If you need to cry, I'll hold you.

If you need to be angry, I'll let you.

If you feel lost, I'll guide you.

If you're scared, I'll comfort you.

If you feel like you're attacked, I'll be your defence.

If you need to lean awhile, I'll give my shoulder.

If you're feeling unsure, I'll be your confidence.

If you feel alone, I'll be your bestest friend who won't leave you.

If you need to learn to trust again, I'll prove to you that you can.

We promise that we won't forget our smiles, laughs, jokes, conversations, plans, tears, memories, experience, and lastly our friendship."


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Roseanne's cellphone alarm had sounded that had raised her from her dream. She realise that her face is wet, she touches her wet face and her hand slowly reaches her eye, it was tears. 'It was tears that came out. It is true, when I say I cannot forget about you. Also it was true, when people said; dreams are illustrations from the book that your soul is writing about you.' Roseanne thought.


Jennie walks in the rain, the heavy rain pours her once wet. Heavy rain she walks bringing with her a very heavy heart. Because of her madly sore heart that stops her on an empty road and she just expresses herself there, not wanting to care anything, not wanting to care about her surroundings. She felt like that day was her last day, the pain in her chest couldn't explain by any words. How hard she tries, no words can describe the feeling thats how painful it is.

A car stopped next to her. A young man came out from the car and wrapped a coat to Jennie's freezing body. He then assist Jennie in the car and drove her home. The whole ride was just silence until he asked Jennie a question."What happened?" With a worried voice he looks at Jennie then back to the road. " It's fine if you don't wanna' talk. Just to let you know I'm here to hear out" He said cause Jennie just kept the silence not wanting to talk or  say a word. The ride was just in silence until they arrived home.


The voice startled Jennie and the man next to her that was assisting Jennie. Jennie let out a sigh, " They're fighting, again." The man then rushed inside the house.


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