Alycia | Good Morning

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You and Alycia were cuddling, laying in bed last night. You were laying your head on her chest, her arms wrapped around your waist.

You weren't awake yet, she was always the one to wake up first. She would lay there watching you as you slept, kissing your head, softly dragging her finger on your side, up and down.
She would brush her hand through your hair sometimes too.

When you eventually woke up she would sit up slightly, kiss your shoulder gently and whisper "Good morning, lovely."  Or "Good morning, cutie pie."

She would basically drag you to the kitchen some mornings and make you some tea or coffee. You would usually go to the island in the centre of he kitchen and lean there looking at her. Whilst she started to make the tea, you would walk up behind her, wrap your arms around her tummy (from behind) and kiss her cheek.

"I love you, Alycia."

"I love you too, baby."

You would both make your way to the sofa in the lounge, drinks in hand, you sitting first. She would sit down next, putting at least one leg over your lap.sipping from the drinks.

You gently touched her chin, kissing her lips. When you moved back, you spoke again.

"Milk moustache."

Her gentle laughter filled the room.

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