Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Arya?""What's with all the nomads?" I asked, as soon as the crowd thinned a bit and the men that had been arguing had gone to settle their disagreement outside after my Dad's orders.

"Clayton's in town." Dad grumbled. "Can't wait till they all roll out again, causing fucking trouble every day."

I nodded my head, not really understanding the situation but knowing Dad dealt with the types of people I wanted nothing to do with.

"Come on, I've got a member I want you to meet." Dad split grin, caused nerves to spread through my body.

Then he guided me out the back of the mess room, down to a sunken lounge and there he was.. My stomach clenched, everything froze. Knox was sitting in a tattooist chair getting the numbers 48, on his neck. I swallowed sharply and before Knox realised I was here, I grabbed Dad's arm.

"How long?" My throat was dry and the words strangled as I tried to get them out. And I locked eyes with Dad. "How long has he been a member?"

He frowned immediately. "He didn't tell ya?"

"No." And Considering Knox King was my childhood best friend, got me through my parents divorce and we still spoke while I had moved overseas- you would think he would mention joining a motorcycle club. Hell- my father's club!

"Well go have ya reunion and then we will head home. Been waiting for ya to arrive so we can put up the tree." Dad gave a small smile, before being pulled away.

My eyes zoned in on him, tears slowly building. He was everything I wanted, and everything I could never have.

His tattoos had clearly added up over the last two years of being apart. He had more skin covered then he did not.

I went to weave through the crowd. When I froze. He had always been my bodyguard. He had always been the one man I could count on, so why did he keep this from me. Why would he keep this from me! Angry tears fell from my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away.

Then gathering up the courage I walked towards him. Knowing the man that I had always looked upon as My King, would tell me the truth.
That was the thing about Knox King, He was as stubborn, as he was strong but he always loved as hard as he fought.

"Knox." My voice could barely be heard over the metal music. "Kn-"

My mouth dried, and those icy blue eyes locked with mine, and for a split second I swore, the ice that usually coated them cracked and I saw happiness.

I wasn't sure how to say to him that I was disappointed he had kept this from me but in the end I didn't have to cause the air was knocked from my lungs for the second time tonight.

As he squeezed me.

And then after a few members around, gave him a weird look, he let go of me, and forced a tight smile, clearly embarrassed by his reaction in front of his brothers. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the back exit.

I knew where he was taking me, knowing the path to the rooftop. While he held my hand I couldn't stop my shields from going up. Knox was never the type of friend to keep things from me, and joining my father's club was something I never expected him to do.

I knew, even though I shouldn't know, what the club gets up to. And for Knox to be tattooed in club ink, well it said he had done his fair of deeds to prove to my father, and the other members, he had earned his place in the club.

This cold feeling took over me the longer we walked, because i knew this was not my Knox, not my king. He was a changed man, changed for the worst i wasn't sure of yet but something darker was living inside him. After following him up the stairs to the roof, i take a seat on the turned over bucket, and he seats across from me on another one.

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