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i waited a few minutes the taxi's wiper blades going back and forth with speed on the windshield. Flickering the pounding rain away but for it only to replaced within moments if not seconds. God this weather. How I hadn't missed it. The hormonal weather was on the pro list I made when I made the decision to follow my Mum. Though when it came down to it, I didn't have a choice.

Mum had no one while Dad had... I looked at the iron gates. Which had Devils Hydes painted on them.

The clubhouse itself was out of the way from the city. On the outskirts. They kept club out of sight, hoping that it if out of sight, it was out of mind. However that wasn't really the case.

Everyone knew that this town was controlled by them, that when they rode through town, you knew not to look twice, or when you hear that motorcycle roar- you just know not to look at all.

"You getting out girly?" The cab driver snapped at me, knowing I was taking up his time. I off my small belongings I was staying at and my surprise well more forced visit was about to commence scared me. Curse christmas for bringing us together.

I paid the driver and got out, and slammed the door, running through the rain to the iron gate. Pushing on the bell, knowing that a prospect should be manning the gate.

I was expected to be asked questions, but when the gate just slid open, I quickly darted in, running in the rain, my heels being the only thing stopping me from running full distance towards him.

I could hear the roar of laughter and banter from inside, when I reached the door. Wanting to get out of the rain and knowing this place backwards, I opened the door, and noticed immediately how the room went quiet.

I scanned the bar and mess room, it was filled with familiar faces, but the looks on their faces told me- they didn't know who I was.

And that should have been the first sign that scared me, but it hadn't- because it hadn't clicked in yet that these people that helped bring me, didn't know who I was.

I however was now frozen to the fucking spot.

Till someone knocked me in the back, causing me to fall to my knees.

"I told you over and over, stay the fuck away from them!" A man shouted above me.

This was exactly what my luck was like, a fight was breaking out above me.

"And I told you I'll fuck who I want to!" Another voice roared back.

"They are my family!"

"And you don't care for them! I'm the one paying the fucking bills!"

On my knees and my hands were flirty from ground, I dare say this bar never got mopped. Then just as I went to get up, the man went tumbling over my back, taking the oxygen from my lungs, and being weighed down by a pair of legs on me.

The bar broke out in roars, and encouraging a fight.

"ENOUGH!" A deeper voice with more authority broke the coaxing from the crowd and the room fell silent, everything but the buzzing of the stereo stopped.

I groaned, gathering my breathing and pushed the man's legs off, getting up. I needed to make it out of the limelight that I had just been thrown under.

The man that had tripped over me, was glaring at me, like it was my fault he was on ack.

"What's with the floor trash?" He hissed at me, while getting to his own feet. "I know girls like you like being on ya knees but do you have to be on them in the middle of the fucking bar."

"Excuse me?" I was gob smacked, surely I had just misheard him. "You pushed me over." My words began to form a tight line. "You sent me flying." Then I looked at the other man, that had been the source of the pushing. "God you are animals." I muttered, and walked away from them, only to have my arm gripped tightly.

"Excuse me?" He man that had fallen over me, thought he had every right in the world to grip me like I didn't have feeling in that arm.

"I said, You. Are. Animals." I spoke each word clear and louder. "Bit deaf are we?" I added. A grunt of amusement came from behind me, I was guessing from the man that had pushed this rude bastard over me in the first place.

"Whose fucking woman is this?" The man who was gripping my arm to the point of no blood supply.

I was going to protest how I wasn't any ones and how no one owned me nor will they ever.

"Mine." That deep authority voice spoke and the man immediately let go of my arm.

"Sorry, didn't' realise." The man was back peddling immediately and that's when the owner of that voice, stepped out from the crowd. Or more like the crowd stepped away from him.

His eyes were piercing but what was more piercing was the fact this wasn't the first time I had looked into them.

And for the first time ever- I was lost for words. My eyes ran over my Dad and worn cut that he is wearing.

And so it seemed I was back for the holidays... back to the MC for Christmas. didn't have an excuse not to get out and leave. Considering I hadn't had any bags. I had dropped 

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