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My eyes were locked on the diamond ring. It was perfect, a beautiful oval shape. I remembered the day he proposed so clearly. It was a Friday night, and it was the first time in weeks he had been home. I walked into his mansion, even though I had lived there for over a year, I still considered it his and not ours. Even though he had told me so many times to consider it home. I hadn't but that night, when he dropped to his knee- and told me that I was his future, his world, his everything. That he was going to give me and our children everything we could ever dream to have. That this ring is his promise to me and our children, his promise that nothing will ever happen to us, no one will ever harm us, that he will forever keep us safe and happy.

That something within me, that told me not to trust him. That stomach twisting feeling that caused me to hold back from loving him fully. Well when I heard that promise, and that ring slipped on my finger, all those doubts, disappeared and that voice inside me quietened. To the point I knew I could trust him and love him fully.

My eyes went to the discharge papers awaiting my signature, and I knew this was my one chance to leave Demetri and his dangerous and soul sucking world behind.

So without questioning myself any further, I signed the piece of paper and placed the ring that now stood for all the promises he had broken, and ones that could never be fixed.


Looking out at the small airplane window, at the boarding ramp, I watched as I was slowly pulling away from the life I was meant to have. From the life, that I imagined on having with him.

My hand instrinctly went to my stomach, but instead of feeling a life growing in it, there was nothing a hollow feeling was all that was left. My stomach was no longer growing, the life I had been creating was now gone, stolen from me. I was never going to hear that beautiful heartbeat again.

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