Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

2 months later

Unfortunately, Ry did something that made my sister forgive him. I don't know what it was. I decided that I didn't want to know when all I received was a mysterious smile.

I didn't see Max again, which made my life one happy place. Carly sometimes mentioned his name, just to get a reaction from me. I'd taken to ignoring her when she said anything about him.

Sometimes I regretted renting a place with Carly. As much as I love her and we get to have fun together, there always seemed to be one drama or another.

Carly has the outgoing personality, perfect body and charm to attract everyone to her. I was the complete opposite. Sure, we had a lot of physical similarities. We had the same wavy blonde hair but she had hers in a sassy short do while I kept mine long. My eyes were green while hers were a slightly different shade to mine. I wore glasses while she wore contacts. Carly wore the latest fashions and I lived in my comfortable clothes. We were as different as we were the same.

"Dawn, get ready! We're leaving in half an hour." Carly shouted at me breaking my focus from my book.

"I'm not going anywhere." I called back.

"What did you say to me?"

Carly shoved through my bedroom door dressed in the shortest skirt and cleavage flashing shirt. There had to be a push up bra in there making her boobs look as big as they did.

"Go and do whatever you're doing, I'm fine." I replied as I pointed to the book in my hand.

"No! You've only got tonight off and it's Ry's birthday. You have to come to the teppanyaki with us." Carly pulled on her best pouting face.

I stifled a groan. The relationship I'd had with Ry before the naked Max appearance had been a lot of sneering and ignoring. Now he offered me nothing but pure hatred. He glared at me whenever I had to suffer his presence, so I smiled serenely back at him.

"Ugh, I don't need to be there, especially when your boyfriend can't stand me." I protested.

"Ry likes you. I don't know why you think he doesn't." She crossed her arms.

"Do I mention him calling me ditzy or the times he called me a bitch?"

"Dawn, he didn't mean to say any of that. He likes you just fine."

"All his stupid mates will be there, including Max. I don't want to deal with that much immaturity."

"If you don't dress yourself, I'll do it for you." Carly threatened and I narrowed my eyes.

"Try it why don't you." I tensed myself against one of her body slams.

"Max asks about you every time I see him." She tried convincing me but mentioning Max's name was the last thing to try.

"You're such a liar." I shook my head.

"I think he's got a crush." She twittered.

"I'm not going." I crossed my arms and stared her down, not believing a word she'd said.

"Yes, you are. I want to mend things between you and Ry. His birthday is the best place to make a start."

She strode over and tugged on my arm, but I didn't budge. The only thing that won me over was the expression on her face. I know she hated that I didn't get along with Ry. Carly was always so easy in forgiving people and letting situations go. I hung on stubbornly, meaning people either gave up and left or didn't talk to me again.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now