a/n | my obi-wan complex

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Hello there, readers and fellow Star Wars fanatics!

It's Lillian here and I just wanted to cover some things about this book and some upcoming stories.

I apologize (within contex... I'll never apologize for my obsession with Obi <3) that everything so far has been Obi-Wan related. It's kind of hard to write for other characters when I dont get requests because I mainly come up with ideas for my favorite characters (Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon). I don't know if it's his wonderfully valiant and reserved manner, or Ewan's remarkable likeness to Alec Guiness's version of Ben Kenobi, but I just admire Obi-Wan Kenobi with all of my heart. He's the perfect gentleman and is so good-natured! I love his dedication to the code and the Jedi way. As his Master Qui-Gon once told him, he is a very wise young man. And personally, I find wisdom very attractive.

Request if you want to read something else! Perhaps with Luke or Han? Or even Anakin! ;)

I have a Qui-Gon story in the works! It's a sad lil' beginning with a very sappy ending (of course).  It's about the reader being separated from Qui-Gon for many years after she followed her own path to another planet. In the story, she returns when the council calls her back under certain circumstances. Qui-Gon hadn't seen her for years - and he had loved her since the beginning of their friendship in their youth. When they reunite, they're unsure of how to react and treat each other. They want to embrace and cherish their time together, but allowing those old feelings to ignite again could impede upon the standards of the code...

I absolutely adore Qui-Gon Jinn! He's just precious and Liam Neeson's interpretation of this lovable character is just perfect. And Qui-Gon has such a broader understanding of the Force than all other Jedi and I think he understands that love is acceptable, without the additional dangers such as jealousy and fear. Anyway, I hope you'll look forward to it as much as I am to writing it!

And of course, I have SO MANY Obi-Wan ideas that I'll get out there as soon as possible. And a couple Anakin ones as well. And a possible Han story that I'm trying to work the kinks out of the idea process...But I have other books on here I need to get started as well. So stay tuned! :D

Thank you for the support you've already given me. :)

Check the book description to see if requests are open! Xx

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