Arc 1.6

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Edited: 3/18/2019

When Madison got home, he angrily changed his suit into comfortable pajamas. He discovered that the pervert actually stuffed the ignored business card into his pants pocket when he leaned down and whispered those ambiguous words into his ears—meaning he groped him and he didn't even realize it!

When he remembered those vulgar words his face reddened in anger! He furiously crumpled the business card in his hands, the necklace around his neck heats up, gave out a few flashes of light, and instead of the necklace, Madison held in hand a plasma gun.

As he's about to blast the card into smithereens, he stopped. Remembering the bastard's words, his mind working a thousand mile per hour.


Madison walked towards the bedside table where his laptop lays in wait. He booted it up and immediately went to work, digging the man's information in the deep web.

Ansell Carlton, what is your connection with Madison Sullivan? Hmm?

As this world's technology can't compare to his world's own, it only needs a few minutes to dig out information he could find with that man. He even dug out confidential company information that when known to Carlton's rivals would lead to immediate bankruptcy.

Well, Madison thought, it's payback for the harassment to me, bastard. But of course he won't leak the information to the man's rivals; it's not part of his directive.

He read the information he compiled and find any clues that could link Carlton to Madison.

Ansell Carlton, age 25, is a world-renowned businessman. His company, CarlTech, a technological giant, is listed as Top 1 in Fortune 500 companies for 7 consecutive years; a business genius, an eligible bachelor, handsome and rich, every girl's dream. What could anyone ask for more?

But here's the thing, Madison chuckled, Ansell Carlton isn't really the man he's portraying to everyone. Behind that successful business lays an underground organization that almost controls A country behind closed doors. Even the government couldn't touch them; one might also say that this organization of Carlton is the government. The only thing hindering this organization to swallow A country whole is the Luciano's. It's a slightly weaker group than the Carlton's but still, a powerful one compared to the rest.

What makes Bai An Cheng amused is that these organizations didn't even bother thinking of covering their identities. They just blatantly name them after their leaders, how fucked up was that? On hindsight, Madison has to sigh; those two organizations are so powerful anyway no one would even dare to challenge them, except for themselves anyway.

If he thinks about it, there would be no chance for Ansell Carlton and Madison Sullivan to meet each other, let alone to have Carlton to act familiarly with him. Even if he rummaged and make a mess out of his acquired memories, there are no instances that could tell him otherwise.

Madison twirled a strand of his hair. How would the two of them meet each other?

He looked down and stared absently at the information, he stared and stared until suddenly, an idea occurred on his head.

He thinks about it, decided it's possible, and dug up some more.

Minutes after, he exhaled loudly and laughed in disbelief.

What F-world? What plot? Can I eat it?! Whoever created this idiotic world, step up now, I won't kill you. I'll just beat you up into unrecognizable pulp that's all!

When Ansell Carlton was 15, he's kidnapped by the rival group to be a bargaining chip for the former boss, his father. Yes, fucking hell, exactly a decade ago, the same kidnapping incident that involved the original Madison!

Ansell is the one who saved Madison when he was 7 and the reason why he made his way back home. It's still a mystery what really happened within those weeks that he's gone but Madison can fill in the missing points.

Madison massaged his throbbing temples and groaned all his frustrations. No matter how he thinks about it, this whole world is a joke. He thought it'll be an easy job, for a BEGINNER! Lucky even seems confident that he'll finish this world quickly, heck, he even thinks so too!

Maybe the missions look easy, give him weeks and he can finish it, maybe except the 3rd mission because it requires a lifetime, but if you dig enough, it's enough to vomit blood.

Bai An Cheng, with his cultivated occupational reaction and questionable morals, decided not to touch the stinking plot hole with a ten-foot pole. He decided to do his missions and leave this world as soon as possible.

Now that a major puzzle piece filled a section of the picture, he only needs to know the reason behind Madison's kidnapping to see the whole of it. He can understand behind Carlton's kidnapping but Madison's? No.

What could a 7-year-old boy have to be in that kind of situation? For ransom money? Yeah, the Sullivan's are rich but the Luciano's are wealthier than them. Madison's family could offer $1 Billion and they'll just scoff at them.

Why wouldn't you give me this memory, original Madison? Could it be that it's... erased?

It's possible.

A knock on the door interrupted Madison's thinking. He frowned, thinking he's this close of uncovering Madison's kidnapping a decade ago.

"What do you want?" His tone is full of hostility; the person on the other side couldn't help but be scared.

"Y-young master, the madam is calling for you." The old butler's voice sounded, obviously scared.

Madison huffed and shut down the laptop. What could Tracy possibly say to him? And already home, this early? He thought the woman would want to stay there but thinking of the woman's usual behavior and Madison not telling her he'll be going home early, it's reasonable.

He went out, leisurely walks towards the living room. Tracy is sitting there; still donning the dress she wore the party, worry in her face. When she saw Madison, she stood up and hurried towards him.

"Sweetie, are you alright? You're not hurt are you?" She gave a full body check on her unsuspecting son.

"I'm not hurt mom, what are you doing? Stop it." He swatted his mom's hands while involuntarily shivering. The original's aversion of people touching him is so strong even An Cheng inherited it when he took over.

Tracy heaved a relieved sigh and sat down on the sofa. She patted the side beside her and Madison sat down, faced by Tracy's worried looks.

"I'm gonna ask you some things, Sweetie and I want you to answer me truthfully, alright?"


"How do you know Mr. Carlton? For how long? And what's your real relationship with him?"

Madison couldn't help but raise an eyebrow with her barrage of questions. He still answered them anyway, "It's my first time seeing and meeting him. To be honest, I don't even know someone like him exists until he talked to me at the party. And I assure you mom, the most that man will have with me is being a stranger."

Tracy, not quite satisfied with his answers, could only nod. "Is that so... then continue being so Sweetie. Don't associate with the likes of him, he may be powerful but everyone knows trouble finds its way with him. Anyone with half a brain will think thrice before associating with him, especially if they're not powerful enough to protect themselves."

Oh, it seems this woman knows who Ansell Carlton really is. But it's no wonder; around the wealthy, it's a piece of common knowledge yet still not daring to talk about it out loud.

He has to give it to her; her love for her son is really commendable, going as far as warning her son even against that powerful man. He only wished that love didn't get that far into Madison's head, then everything will be alright.

The night is getting deeper, so Madison bid his excuse to the still fretting woman. Tracy could only just look at his retreating back, trusting her son's words. But it seems that it's not her son who is untrustworthy for the two of them still cross paths time and time again!

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