Chapter Eleven: Relaxing in Paris

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"How are you feeling?" Neymar asked stepping into the bedroom, he leant against the door frame and stared at her wondering what he could say to Valeria to take her mind off what was happening. 

The last couple of days had been distracting and Valeria had come with him back to Paris after her appointment and Neymar had done what he could to make her comfortable here in anyway that he could. 

"I wish people would stop asking me that," Valeria murmured with a shake of her head, she was tired of people asking her that and she just wanted things to be normal until she was certain what was happening. 

Sitting down on the bed, Valeria couldn't help but feel tired of all the waiting around that she had to do; she was certain that there was people much worse off than she was. 

Neymar nodded his head, he felt useless to help her and he understood how frustrated she must feel; he wanted nothing more than to protect her from whatever was coming next. 

Slowly making his way across the room, he sat down on the bed next to her and tried to work out what he could say to distracted her. 

"I've been thinking about downsizing," Neymar mused knowing that this would come as a surprise, he was sure that Valeria wouldn't see it coming considering how much he seemed to love the place.

However, the more he thought about it, the more unsuitable the house seemed for what he needed; it wasn't a place where he could relax with her and Davi. 

The fact that fans could stand outside of his home and even climb the fence didn't make him feel safe; he didn't want to wake up one day to find a fan inside his bedroom with him. 

Nor did he want to think about being away for a match and someone deciding to break in while he was away, he would never but Valeria or Davi at risk like that. 

"This place is just too big, plus it's rather lonely when I'm here alone," Neymar continued softly, he wanted nothing more than to be comfortable and not so alone here. 

He was due to have Davi for Christmas and he was really looking forward to spending some time with his son; he was determined to prove to Carolina that he could be responsible. 

The mother of his child had expressed some concerns especially after how he had acted while here alone, the partying had made her seriously consider not sending Davi to stay with him.

Valeria nodded at that, she was just hopeful that the move would do him some good; she had seen far too much of him out partying and she had been worried that it would spell the end of their relationship. 

Neymar eyed his girlfriend, he felt stupid for not knowing what to say to her and he hated that they had gotten into this situation; it was one of his own creation and he would fix it. 

"I am sorry Val," Neymar said moving to take her hand, he was relieved when she didn't pull away and he wasn't sure that he had said it before now especially with how distracted he had been. 

Things were uneasy between them and Neymar doubted that he would forgive himself if he allowed things to fall apart; he wasn't going to let him playing for PSG ruin things for them now. 

"I know... I hated seeing you out with all those women," Valeria admitted, she had worried that he might do something stupid and find himself in a position that could cause more harm than good but he had been lucky this time. 

Neymar frowned, it had been his father that had organised the attendance of all those women and he knew that he should have seen what his father was trying to do. 

"Nothing happened with them I swear, it was just something to distract from the loneliness," Neymar reassured her, he didn't want her to think that he would ever do something like that to her. 

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