Awkward Wake-ups and Surprises.

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Hopefully this chapter is a little better.


___Zayn's P.O.V___

I woke up suddenly when something warm touched my chest. My eyes opened widely and I looked down. Why was Meaghan asleep on my chest? 

I was about to wake her up when I realized how peaceful she looked. I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 4:00 in the morning. I figured we could use all the sleep we could get so i nuzzled my face into Meaghan's hair and quickly fell asleep.

____Meaghan's P.O.V___

I woke up and I was so comfortable! I couldn't understand why. I didn't want to open my eyes so i just l layed there.

"Morning sleepy-head" A very attractive morning voice said

"Morning" I said back dreamily

I felt something squeeze my shoulder and I shot my eyes open.

Why was I in Zayn's arms?

I had to admit. I liked it. Like a lot, But it was wrong. So wrong.

I shot out of his arms and look at him.

"What?" He asked groggily.

"Why were your arms around me?" I asked a little too loud,

"Because YOU scooted over to my chest and fell asleep!" He yelled

"Oh," I whispered."Sorry.." I looked down at the ground and felt myself blush

"No no its fine. I didn't mean to yell." He apologized

"No. Its fine. My fault." I said. He smiled

I smiled back and walked toward the mini fridge. I grabbed a bottle of orange juice and poured it into 2 glasses. Zayn smiled thankfully and began talking.

"Okay so as much as I would like to stay with you, we need to make a plan to escape because I don't want to know when those people are coming back and i really need to know what happened to the boys." He looked down at the table and sniffled a little.

"Hey. Its going to be okay. I'm sure we will escape and find them." I knew I couldn't promise anything yet so I began to form a plan.

"Okay so we are on the first floor so I'm sure we could brake the glass with something hard and make a run for it." He started to interrupt so I shushed him and continued. "When we are out of the hotel we can find a police station or something and tell them everything then save the boys."

"Okay. Good plan but first we need some food to keep us going," Just as Zayn said that my stomach growled. He laughed and looked around,

"um. Ill make you breakfast?" He asked in a think accent, I was beginning to get used to his voice.

"You can cook?" I asked

"I guess we will find out." He said a little worriedly,

I sighed and pushed him out of the way. "Ooh Pancakes! I cook them for us!" I smiled and got all the ingredients, We even had syrup!

I began to mix the ingredients and just as I was about to start to heat up the pan when Zayn took some flour and flicked it in my face.

"Did you just flick flour on my face?" I asked in disbelief

"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't." He said with the cutest smirk I've ever seen.

I dropped my spatula and ran after him,

___Zayn's P.O.V___

She dropped the spatula and ran after me. I bolted under the table and she tackled me. She was basically straddling me as she flicked the dough onto my cheek. I reached up and wiped the flour off her cheek. I started to lean toward her and she smiled down at me. I was an inch away from her lips when the front door slammed open. We heard a big thud and she got up off of we ran hand in hand into the living room.

"LIAM!!!" i screamed as I dropped down in front of him. His forehead was bleeding so Meaghan ran to the bathroom and found a first aid kit.She came back and sat down in front of him.

"This is going to hurt." She said as she put some clear liquid on a towel. She pressed it against his head and he hissed at her.

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry" She kept repeating as she cleaned it and put a bandage on the wound, He settled down and we helped him to the bed. He fell asleep quickly so Zayn and I walked back to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and put it on the stand next to the bed in case he woke up.

I turned to Meaghan and looked at her in awe,

"What?" She asked while wiping the rest of the flour off her cheek.

"How did you know what to do with Liam?" I asked.

"First Aid training." She simply responded as she started to cook the pancakes.

"What do you think happened?" she asked,

"I honestly don't know. But when he wakes up I'm going to find out!" I yelled.

She turned around and gave me a big hug,

"Its gonna be okay," She said as I wrapped my arms around her. We stood there for a while when we heard a muffled cry come from the living room.

We released each other and I turned off the stove. I ran into the living room and ran back to Meaghan in the kitchen,

"There's someone in the closet," I whispered to her.

She ran and grabbed and a broom. I gave her a funny look.

"What are you going to do? Sweep them to death?" I laughed as her face fell.

"Ha ha no. I'm gonna hit him over the head and hopefully knock them out." She said fiercely.

I didn't question her any further...

We crept over to the closet and I opened the door.

A random girl fell out at us. She gasped and looked at us in fear.

"Who are you?" Meaghan said in disbelief.


This chapter was co written by my best friend Alyssa. THANKS ALY!

More chapters to come! :D

-Meaghan xx

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