Truth or Dare and Singing

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The car came to a stop. We all looked around in silence. The windows were blacked out so we were basically blind.

The door opened and two men took Louis out of the car. I screamed closed my eyes. Soon I was lifted out of the car and pushed into a room. I tried to remain silent as I walked around the room. I was definitely in a hotel room. I figured I was alone so i plopped down on the mattress.

"OW. GET OFF ME!" a voice shrieked at me

I gasped and rolled off of the bed. The voice sounded familiar so I removed the blanket to find Zayn curled up in a ball.

"Oh god I thought I alone in here" I was happy to be with someone.

"Me too." He said sitting up.

As he sat up, I looked at him. Like REALLY looked at him. His face was literally perfect. His hair was jet black and sticking out in a cute way and his tall figure was stunning, He had pretty tan skin. I didn't want to stare too long but I couldn't help it. I know we were stuck in a horrible situation but oh my god he was gorgeous. He coughed and I realized I was looking too long.

Zayn looked down at me and smiled.

He got up off of the bed and made his way to the door and wiggled the door knob. Yup. Locked. He sighed and walked over to the bed. I looked down and started crying, He patted my shoulder and I cried harder. He pulled me into his arms and held me close after about an hour I calmed down and looked at him.

"Thank You." I said gratefully.

"No problem" He replied.

"So..." He began after a few minutes of silence "If we're gonna be here for a while I think we should get to know each other,"

"Okay. What do you want to know?"

"Um, how about a game of 'Truth or Dare'?"

"Err. Okay" I said confused.

"Truth or dare" He began

"Truth" I said, Not wanting to do a dare at this time,

"Do you think I'm cute?" He asked with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Um...Er....Um...." I stuttered

"So I take that as a yes?" He asked laughing.

I laughed along with him and nodded.

"Sure I think you cute. But We're kinda not in the situation for anything like that." I said with a sudden burst of confidence. He nodded seriously.

"Truth or dare"

"Truth" He said.

I was unable to resist so I asked "Do you think I'm cute"

"No." He responded seriously.

I just looked down and felt the tears form in my eyes.

"I think your beautiful" He said with a sudden blush.

i looked up suddenly and smiled. "Thank you."

"Okay that's enough truth or dare for now," I said suddenly He frowned and got up to use the bathroom.

I couldn't like him already? could I? no. stop thinking like that. We need to make a plan to escape and save the others.

_____Zayns P.O.V_____

I got up and went to the bathroom. I needed to clear my head and make a plan to escape but instead I'm thinking about how pretty Meaghan is. WHATS WRONG WITH ME!?

She's probably sitting on the bed thinking I'm some sort of player. I know nothing about this girl but I'm already falling for her.

I walked out of the bathroom and she was no where to be seen. I started to explore the room and found that if was actually quite large and had many snacks and a mini fridge. Well at least we wont starve...

I looked around some more and found Meaghan standing against the wall eating a bag of chips. She looked at me and smiled. Her smile made her even more attractive. She noticed my staring and looked down and blushed.

"Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you. Baby you light up my world like nobody else the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know-oh-oh.You don't know your beautiful." I sang.

She stared at me in awe and had the biggest smile on her face.

"what...was....that?" She breathed,

"You really never have heard of One Direction have you?" I questioned "Its our biggest hit!"

"I see why. That was the best song Ive ever heard."

I blushed and looked down.

"I'm tired" She yawned

"Lets get some sleep." I offered

"There's only one bed. So I guess we're sharing" I said with a little too much animation in my voice.

"Uh..." She stuttered

"Its fine. I don't bite." I promised

She giggled and made her way to the bed with me close behind. I got in and once her head hit the pillow she was out like a light.

I sighed and closed me eyes...


Sorry this is boring and kind of short. The next chapter will be better. Promise :)

-Meaghan xx

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