trapped introductions and singing

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Hey guys! So this is my first chapter. I feel like I'm talking to myself...Anyways if you like it please comment and fan!



"UGH. I just want to go home!" I complained to my best friend. It was 4th period and I was having the worst day ever. To start off I woke up late this morning and was late to 1st period,earning me a lecture from my teacher. Then I broke up with my boyfriend because I caught him kissing some dumb blond. This day couldn't get any worse!

___Two hours later__

"FINALLY!" I yelled as school ended and I began my walk home. I couldn't complain because its only a ten minute walk.

I was like 3 minutes into my walk when a big black car stopped a few yards away from me and a few boys got in. I thought nothing of it other than the one with black hair was really cute. I turned back around and continued my walk. Not even five minutes later the same black car stopped right next to me. I began to walk faster. The car began to follow me. The window rolled down.

"We know you saw what just happened" a voice said to me. I continued walking and didn't even glance at the man.I was getting really scared.

"Get her girls" The voice yelled. I screamed and ran. A few girls caught me and dragged me into the car. I was kicking and biting the whole time but it didn't seem to hurt them.

They threw me in the car and hit me over the head. Everything went black.


I woke up to a bunch of muffled cries. I opened my eyes to see that I was tied down to a seat. Stupid ropes were tied to my wrists and ankles. I tried pulling them off but they were tied down really tight.

"Don't bother. We've been trying all day" A voice said out of nowhere. I jumped and looked up. It was those boys I saw earlier!

"Someone want to tell me whats going on?" I yelled

"Calm down love." A British boy said to me. I raised my eyebrows and he began talking.

"Well, we were all walking to a friends house and this car stopped next to us and told us that a bunch of fans found out we were here and were on their way. He said that Paul sent him to pick us up so we decided to get in. Then someone must have hit all of us and we got knocked out. We woke up a few hours ago and you were here. My guess is that we were kidnapped and we're going somewhere. Oh and I'm Zayn.

"WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" another boy shouted.

"That's Louis" Zayn sighed.

"Ive been kidnapped? Great just great. I'm gonna die. Wait did you say fans? why do you have fans?"

"You don't know who we are?" Zayn said with a smile

"No?" I was so confused.

The boy with curly hair started laughing. Apparently I've missed the joke.

"We're One Direction" The cute blond said.


"We're a boy band. We sing." Zayn said. He was smiling like an idiot

"Alright. Boys, lets sing 'more than this' to her." Louis said.

"When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,

It just won't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

When he lays you down,

I might just die inside,

It just don't feel right,

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,"

I was in shock. These boys could really sing and they were adorable!

"woah.." I said a little to loud.

"Do you believe us now? um sorry i didn't catch your name" Zayn said

"Yes, and my name is Meaghan."

The boys went around introducing themselves. I smiled at each of them.

Just then the car came to a screeching stop.

Great. I'm going to die with complete least they are hot...


Sorry its really short. I'll be writing a new chapter soon

-Meaghan xx

Trapped with a Stranger. (A Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now