Chapter 5

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6 years later...

A lot has happen these last few years and when I mean a lot, I mean a lot. Turns out those symptoms Kayla had wasn't because of the flu rather she was. We welcomed or daughter Lavender 5 years ago, I don't know how Kayla managed to finish school and raise her because that little girl is a handful, I helped by providing for them financially and being there whenever they needed me but Kayla did all the work.

If you're wondering if I went to college, the answer is yes, I did attend my parents were really proud when I graduated. What had shocked them was when I told them I was going to follow in my pawpaw's footsteps. I haven't seen nor spoken to my dad in 2 years. Whenever I visit my mom tells me he just left but I know he is there he is just avoiding me.

My empire is doing great with my two best friends Forrest and Toby as my right hands, Darren and Ricky work for me too, they all are assets to my empire. We have on lock 17 states it's hard to control but this is what I love, my empire is way bigger than my grandfather's, I don't only push drugs I'm not stupid the money I make and the money I inherited from Pawpaw I invested them in other business. I own 5 clubs, 3 restaurants, and ten clothing stores across all 17 states. Forrest and I are partners in a record label, I also have a clothing brand that Kayla runs and models, the clothing brand is really successful because of her. The money I make from that goes to her and Luna if I die they will gain full control of that.

"Fuck!!" a kicked to my jaw woke me up, opening my eyes I was met with little feet. This little boy sleeps as bad as his mother. "Christen move" he didn't budge. I sat up and shifted to the edge of the bed, I rubbed my eyes I'm tired as hell I looked behind at my creation and smiled he was the exact replica of his mother. Looked to her side of the bed which was empty and judging by the time she's been up for quite a while now.

I got off the bed and headed to our adjoining bathroom, looking in the mirror I stared at my reflection, I grew into a handsome man I ran my hands through my hair, I need to get it done and shave. 


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After brushing my teeth I walked over to the toilet and did my business, I looked around the bathroom and spotted the picture we took 4 months ago and smiled , she actually put it up we had visited the carnival that was in town that day man I love my little family. I washed my hands and headed towards the elevator I'm too tired to go down the steps, I stopped in the room when I saw christen stretched out in the bed still fast asleep. I chuckled at his posture he looked as if he had been working for days.

I continued on to my elevator it's just like pawpaw's just a little bit more upgraded it makes stops to the attic, living room and garage. We've had to turn it off multiple times because Christen and his wild self-kept getting stuck in there pressing all the buttons now I see why pawpaw had codes in his Tech's supposed to do it soon. The elevator dinged signaling that I had arrived in the living room, I stepped off and headed towards the kitchen where I knew she was.

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