Chapter 59; The scares of pregnancy.

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Cont. from chapter 58}

Toby POV

I soon get to the house and the kids run to me when I get there. And I walk into the kitchen and find Spencer in a ball on the floor crying. I run up to her

"Spencer! Are you okay?" I said crouching down to her.

She nods "I'm just in a lot of pain!" she screams

"Okay, come on, lets get you to the hospital, I'm sorry It took me a while to get here." I say as I pick her up and carry her to the car.

She wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head on my chest "It's okay."

I soon lay her in the front seat, and get the kids and buckle them in, and get in the front seat and hold Spencer's hand "Your going to be okay." She nods "I know." She leans back and against the window, and I hold her hand and drive to the hospital as fast as I can.

I soon arrive at the hospital, and carry Mason as I push Spencer in a wheel chair, and Penelope and Kylene walk. They soon get in a room and the doctor says Spencer's water broke and she was in Labour.

Spencer POV

I was officially in labour and was in a lot of pain, it's been about 8 hours in labour..I can last anywhere from 15-30....This is so long!!

I was laying in bed holding Toby's hand through all the contractions, my kids were out in the waiting room with my mom she is staying and helping.

I squeeze Toby's hand again hard and scream then look at him "Toby I'm sorry!" I cry

"It's okay honey." He replies

"I feel bad am I hurting your hand?"

"No not at all It's okay."



"This hurts."

"I know honey, you can do it, this is your 3rd time."

"I know but this time it feels worse! I didn't have this much pain with Mason!" I scream and have another contraction

I hold her hand, and move the hair out of her face "You can do it, you always do."

"I know." I cry

He wipes my tears and rubs my hand.

*About 23 hours into labour.

I was almost a full 24 hour into labour but the doctor soon comes in and tells me I can start pushing. I start pushing squeezing Toby's hand and screaming. It look awhile, but I soon have my baby boy. The doctor hands him to me. He weighed 9pounds 2 ounces, and was born on July 4th.

I am holding him and Toby is sitting in the chair. When my mom and the kids walk in. I look at them and smile and they walk over and look at him

"Awh he's so cute!" my mom says

"Babwy!" Mason says

"Yes your baby brother." I say and smile

"He so little!" Kylie says

"whats his name?" Penny asks

"Landon David." She says and smiles

"Why two names?" Kylie asks

"David is his middle name."


"Yes I smile."

Then I get a sharp pain in my stomach and I hold it and almost scream.

"Spencer!?" Toby stands up and rushes over to me. "Are you okay?"

It stops "Yeah I think, I don't know! My stomach hurts..It's probably from the baby."

"I'm not sure..It could be worse." Toby says

"Here I can hold Landon." My mom says and holds him for me since he started crying.

"I'm getting a nurse." Toby says

"No, I'm fine." I look at him

"I want to make sure." He runs out and a nurse and a doctor come in and look at her and freak out "She has to go into surgery immediately!" They start rushing me back "Toby!" I scream to him "You will be okay." He responds "Mommy!" The kids scream and Landon cries and my mom rocks him. They soon take me back into surgery.......

Authors Note; Sorry for the long time before an update, but i'm going to update soon, I'm in a writing mood. Please vote, and comment what you think!!(: -Spencer M

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