Chapter 5; The morning after

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Toby POV

I wake up and Spencer is still sleeping, But I can't fall back asleep. So i get out of bed and put on some pj pants and decide to go make Spencer breakfast. I decided that I am going to make Pancakes and bacon, because I know thats her favorite!

Spencer POV

I wake up and don't see Toby, but it smells really good, Toby must be making breakfast (Note: they have a fancy suite room so they have a kitchen and all that)

I get up and throw on some underwear, and Tobys long sleeve shirt. I walk out to see that he did make breakfast!

"Its about time you got up Spence" He glances over at me

"Im sorry we didn't go to bed until very late last night, I can't believe your up, and made breakfast, and pancakes and bacon my favorite!"

"I've been up for a while, so I thought I should make something, and I knew this was your favorite!"

"So did you have fun last night? Do you feel okay?"

"Yes, it was an amazing night, and I feel okay, why do you not feel good?"

"yes it was, and no I was just making sure". He says and kisses me

"now how about we eat!"

"Sounds good!"

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