Third Diary Entry

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When I was around 10, I used to love thinking metaphorically. I was quite a dreamer and I guess that was the easiest way to fantasise without sticking out too much.

When I was about 11, the bullying in my school increased noticeably and I was badly affected by it, so I decided to put everything into a metaphor.

At the beginning, I went for a nice and easy one: The Book.

It basically consists of dividing your life into different chapters, and with all of them creating a big fat book which would be your life. Not that it was rocket science, but it worked for me and it followed my P.E. teacher's advice: KISS. Which means: Keep It Simple Stupid. It was simple and it was stupid. Perfect.

Later on I did use further metaphors which I admit, did require some knowledge when it comes to literature, etc.

But, believe it or not, The Book, was the main thing I thought about when life crumbled and fell apart. I thought of it again and again and over and over.

I thought of how death was getting nearer and no one was suspecting it. I thought about a new chapter every morning, but at night I thought every single one would be the last, and just for the sake of it, I started making the chapters longer. Instead of every day being a different chapter, it was every week, and then every month. It seemed like it was working. Chapters were longer, life was getting longer.

But one night. I promise I thought it would be the last. I thought it was over. The book was over. I was over.

However. Maybe, and just maybe, it really was the end of the book. Maybe, I was running out of space and desperately needed to finish it. Books aren't forever, neither are people. But maybe, that book was terminated and over. I thought about real books, how people are never contented with simple ends. How there actually are sequels.

Maybe this book was meant to be over and all I needed was a sequel.

Different setting, different secondary characters... a life change.

And the answer was there in front of me, I needed perspective, to look at everything from a different point of view and if the terrain was definitely overused, then I could have a radical new sequel to my book.

And that was how I overcame it.


It's late now anyway, I told Niall to ring me if there were any problems so just pray for a quiet night.

Love, Katherine.


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