Author's Note

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This is it for Harry and Katherine!

Did you enjoy the book?
Anything I could improve?

This book has been an unbelievable ride, but I think it's about time to end it.

With time, I have gotten to the point of despising Katherine. As a clingy person myself, I find that she went off board. When I first started writing the book I decided she'd start off miserable and clingy and weak and then I'd build the character, but she took a path of her own.

Harry was fun to write about, though. Always smiling and with things on his mind.

Who has been your favourite character?

Thank you for joining me on this amazing ride, it's been a pleasure sharing it with you.

Other books I'm writing:

- Flawless:

"you are clearly mistaken, for being flawless would be the greatest of flaws"

Liam has fallen for that breathtakingly gorgeous woman that struts by him every morning at the underground station. But perhaps the blinding this love provides is all that he can handle. And maybe, she's hiding the fact that a love so strong can't be corresponded.
Not while her love for Camden remains.

On the other hand, Camden's struggling to find a purpose in life. She might just need a little push to make her find hope again, which could be provided by a certain someone.

A story about two scientists who fell out of love for the same reason they fell in love again.

- My Name is Africa:

"Hi. My name is Africa and I don't have any friends."

A story about romance, passion for music, and the eternal escape from loneliness.


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