Chapter Eleven

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My friend SayraHouston07 didn't stop telling me to write an epilogue where Katie doesn't die. The epilogue is already written, but I figured you guys wouldn't mind if I happened to write a chapter about their life when they settled down, so here it goes. Enjoy.

"Mum! Tell Daddy he's wrong and I'm right! Tell him, tell him", little Sussie exclaimed, dragging me towards Harry as she held on tightly to my arm.

"I'm sure you're right but you've got to tell me why, first", I complained. She frowned, her naive chocolate curls bouncing off her face.

"But Mummy, I'm always right!"

"Not always, Sussie, everybody makes mistakes. Hannah Montana would agree with me on that, I'm certain." She pouted, crossed her arms and ran off, like a little ball of rage. I giggled to myself, and turned to face Harry. He was gorgeous as ever. The wind that flew in through the open window made his hair wiggle onto his face. It was quite a warm year; April and 28°C already. Most of our house was open, hoping for some of the outside coolness to make its way in.

"Sussie, come here, please!", I called. She growled from the other room. "Where did Sussie go? Has that big bear eaten her up?", she repeated the growling noises and said yes with a deep voice.

"Oh no! What are we going to do now?", I said, pretending to be scared, "What a shame I was just going to serve the burgers Daddy's been making all morning but I guess she won't have any..." I heard little feet sprinting across the corridor.

"Oh look, the little bear appeared!", I exclaimed, embracing her into a hug. Harry chuckled in the background.

"Daddy", she said,"When are we having the burgers?"

"Whenever Mummy says so."

"Mummy?", I inquired, "but Mummy didn't make them. It was Daddy. So whenever Daddy says so".

"How about now?"

"Perfect!", I said. Sussie clapped and followed me to the kitchen, where the plates and cutlery were set up.

"Mummy, I want three!"

"Three? You can't even eat one whole one! I'll put one and if you want more you can always come back, is that alright?", she nodded reluctantly and took her plate to the living room, where we usually had lunch. Then she came back to pick up her dad's plate, followed by my own. She seemed so cheerful and excited; unlike me at her age. I never really hit that level of excitement or happiness, but I was glad that she had. Who wouldn't, having Harry as a dad? Sussie would never love me as much as she loved Harry, but with time, I had gotten used to the second place. 

"Katie, dear," Harry called, "remember to take your pills!"

"Alright, thanks."

The damned pills, I was always on pills. Always had been and always would be. Without them I wasn't myself, although the possibility of them making me who I am arose in my thoughts from time to time. Telling my husband and daughter I would be back soon, I walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind me. And cried. There wasn't a reason to, it had just become part of the routine, part of who I am. The hope of not being heard was on my mind constantly, but that is who I was. Always sneaking behind closed doors and hiding from the real world. It's who I had always been and who I always would be, regardless of my actual state of mind. Depressed was the norm, anyway. Melancholic. Not suicidal any longer, thank God. Not happy either. Just myself. Sad, old Katherine.

I wiped off my tears and jogged to the bathroom where I washed my face.

"Ready?", Harry inquired, when I reached the table. 

"Ready." I stated. 

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