Chapter Ten

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"Time to leave", Harry informed me.
"What is the plan again? Are we supposed to jump over the fence or what?"

His eyes and the way they looked at me. Wow.

I wished for it to work out.

This last few months had been the best months ever and I didn't want them to end, ever. I wasn't the happiest person in the world but I was the happiest I could be. Being myself.

"Yeah, who goes first?"

"Me", I said to the speed of lightning. He giggled, dimples wiggling their way onto his cheeks, his eyes shining like emeralds. This is the first day of the rest of your life, I told myself. His hands cupped my bum and pushed me up and over. It didn't take a second.

And there I was, on the outside.
And then he jumped, up and over.

All I remember after that is that Harry winked at me, and then we ran. For hours. At first it felt like they were coming after us, and they were, but they never caught us.

You know, I feel like no one even cared about us in the first place. Mark certainly did, but he wouldn't have been allowed to do anything about it. It's funny how these things happen; those who can't be bothered to care are the people who can help you and those who can't do anything but care can't help you.

But Harry cared, and he helped me.
That evening, after running kilometres and kilometres, we finally came across a bus station. And we sat down and waited for a bus.

"Are we going to sleep here?", I inquired. Harry leaned down and reached for his shoe. What's he doing? , I asked myself. He pulled a funny face while twisting his fingers inside the shoe. Out of his shoe came a coin. And then another one. Harry raised his eyebrows mysteriously.

"Doesn't look like it to me", he commented, smirking.

I felt the unstoppable urge to jump onto him, and I did so, my lips aiming for his mouth. He kissed back, his arms pulling me closer, as our lips moved in synchronisation. His left hand slid further down, which made my heart beat faster.

"I love you", I whispered under my breath. His smile was all the answer I needed, and it was reassured when his tongue slid across my bottom lip. My hands tangled in his curls as I gently pulled at them.

He pushed me and I fell on my back, across that long seat on the bus station. He leaped on top, and slowly made his way towards me, his curls tickling my face.

"Harry, I don't think here is an appropriate place", I complained. His smirk was drawn wider.

* * * * *

Two hours later, when my head rested against his shoulder and his eyes were beginning to flutter, a bus came by.

He nudged me awake, and we stepped onto the vehicle. Harry gave the driver his two coins and we sat right at the end. We weren't the only ones on that bus at 3am: a few drunk 20 year olds were sitting on the floor, hissing incomprehensible sounds and accusing each other of disrespectful acts; an elderly couple were hugging tightly by a window at the front of the bus; and a woman dressed in a suit sat cross armed, looking at her mobile in desperation.

I looked out of the window, struck by the beauty of that starry night. Clinging onto Harry, I rested my head on this shoulder, as he rested his on the back of the seat. I pulled at my sleeves, protecting myself from the cold, and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I let the tranquillity of nothingness invade my senses.

"Where are we going?", I asked Harry. He shrugged.

And then was when I understood that that day was the first day of the rest of my life.

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