Part 19

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Chloe's POV
Ever since i walked in the flat, Andy has acted different. He is ignoring everyone. He threw his phone at the wall in anger and now it's smashed. I don't know what's up with him but i am going to find out really soon. Does he not want me to be here? Is it because i am in Rye's room.

Shit. I just realised something. Andy said on a message that he likes me. So he's jealous.

Chloe- I know what's up with Andy
Rye- What? How?
Chloe- He told me on a message that he likes me and now he's ignoring me and you.
Rye- Makes sense.
Chloe- But he probably thinks that i like you when i don't. I like him.
Rye- Tell him
Chloe- I can't
Rye- And why is that?
Chloe- 1) he doesn't want to speak to me 2) he would say no 3) i haven't got a chance with him
Rye- Just go up to him and say something like can you come on a walk with me because i need to speak to you
Chloe- fine

Why did i agree to this? Ugh. Here goes nothing. I walk to Andy's door and knock. I was about to give up until i heard the door behind me open. Andy opened it.

Andy- What's up
Chloe- I was wondering if you erm wanted to go on a erm...

Andy's POV
Someone knocked on my bedroom door. Dreading it, i got up and answered. It was Chloe.

Andy- What's up?
Chloe- I was wondering if you erm wanted to go on an erm..

Was she going to ask me on a date?

Andy- Go on a what?
Chloe- This is gonna sound really weird but a walk with me

Oh. I'm actually kinda disappointed that it wasn't a date but i'll go anyway.

Andy- I mean sure. If you want me to. I'm actually wondering something
Chloe- What's that
Andy- Nothing
Chloe- Oh okay. Anyway come on

Wrong number - Andy FowlerWhere stories live. Discover now