Part 8

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Chloe's PoV
Josh- So what you want to do?
Chloe- I don't know
Josh- that's not good enough
Chloe- whatever but not sex
Josh- Why not sex baby?
Chloe- because I don't wanna do it again
Josh- well I do
Chloe- cause I don't
Josh- I do
Chloe- well I don't
Josh- pleaseeeee
Josh- I'll go get the condoms

Josh's PoV
God she is gorgeous. I don't know why I force her into having sex with me, but she never wants to and I really want to. Seeing her naked is just wow. I always make her though which just makes me sound horrible. I always call her a slag etc so I have a reason to have sex with her. Maybe if I stopped being a cunt to her, she would want to have sex with me without being forced and she might actually enjoy it.

Chloe's PoV
*Group Chat between Randy and Chloe*
Chloe😘- I need help guys
Andy🌵- What's wrong babe?
Rye🐝- What's up?
Chloe😘- He wants to rape me again
Andy🌵- Why?
Chloe😘- He just has an obsession for seeing me naked and making me do it
Chloe😘- one time he had his mate doing it to so it was 2 lads and me
Chloe😘- it was horrible and now he's gone to get a condom
Andy🌵- Awh!
Rye🐝- He's an actual cunt
Chloe😘- What do I do?
Rye🐝- Let him fuck ya or do what he wants to ya
Rye🐝- Then whilst he's doing that Andy and I will come to the Care Home, you can end it with him and come live with us in our flat
Rye🐝- In whoever's room ya want
Andy🌵- In my room if you want😏
Rye🐝- Andy she's not sleeping in the same bed as you🤷‍♀️
Chloe😘- I'm sleeping on the floor
Andy🌵- No your bloody not
Rye🐝- Your not
Chloe😘- Why not?
Andy🌵- Cuz there are something called beds
Chloe😘- There will only be 5 beds
Andy🌵- Why?
Chloe😘- There is 5 of you so you will need 5 beds
Andy🌵- There's 6 of us and more than 6 beds
Rye🐝- Ya
Chloe😘- oh. Who's room will I stay in?
Andy🌵- Mine and Mikey's unless he moves with Rye then just us 2
Rye🐝- He is ya
Rye🐝- He's moving his stuff in whilst we come pick you up n stuff
Rye🐝- Btw I was only joking before, you can really sleep in his bed with him if you want
Chloe😘- Maybe I will, maybe I won't
Chloe😘- Thank you so much guys, I don't know what I'd do without you🤗❤️
Andy🌵- Your welcome babe, we can't let him do that to you especially after everything you've gone through😭
Chloe😘- Do a group call so you can hear what he says or go in the same room but mute the call so he can't hear you

*Chloe😘 rings Andy🌵*

Chloe😘- Hey
Andy🌵- Hey babe
Chloe😘- He's coming
Chloe😘- I'm scared
Chloe😘- Mute the call
Rye🐝- Don't be scared, everything will be alright soon❤️
Andy🌵- I can't wait for this to be over so you can come live with us

Andy's PoV
I'm literally so excited to meet Chloe. I can't believe her boyfriend would do that stuff to her. If he loved her then why would he rape her? He's an ass hole who deserves to be in jail after what he has done. I don't understand why Chloe can't break it off with him! I wish I could change the past; I'd change Chloe's life for the better so she's happy. I feel so sorry for her.

Chapter 8
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624 words including the authors note x
-Caitlin xoxo

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