Part 17

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Chloe's PoV
Chloe- I'm gonna kiss him on the cheek as he's covering everywhere else for some mad reason
Rye- Awh so you would've kissed him on the lips if he wasn't covering them?
Chloe- ....
Rye- Awh this is soo cute!!
Rye- you two will be together soon!!
Chloe- he doesn't like me like that
Rye- he does
Rye- go kiss him then

I walk over to him and lean in towards his cheek. I quickly peck his cheek then move away.

Andy's PoV
Someone with really soft lips comes over to me and pecks my cheek then before I can open my eyes to see who it was, there gone. Strange. I look over to see Rye stood alone staring at me. Why are people so creepy these days? Omg. Part of me is hoping that it was Chloe that kissed my cheek but I know for a fact that it weren't because she would never do that and she doesn't like me like I like her anyways.

All three of us walk upstairs to the flat. I went straight to my room and climbed into my bed. I lie in my bed, underneath my quilt, for what seems like 10 mins until the side of my bed dips which means someone is sat on my bed. Wonder who. I haven't even got the energy to turn around to look.

The person moves and comes the other side so now they are by the wall. I look up to see...

Who do you think is on the bed with Andy? Xx

Wrong number - Andy FowlerWhere stories live. Discover now