Chapter 4

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Christina's POV

Since mom and dad aren't here for the entire day i will go shopping i need new clothes. I would ask mandy to come with me but its Trevor's day off so she wants to be with him. I put on some high waisted shorts and a crop top with some white converse and put my hair in a messy bun.

I call the taxi cab and they come pick me up and leave me in the mall. I found super cute stuff and then i wanted to go and get some new beanies so i go to the store and pick them and pay for them. Then i passed through a store that reminded me from my parents. My old parents. The ones who abandoned me at the orphanage. Then i see this guy running towards me and four other guys behing him. And then everything became a blur.

Connor's POV

We return at night at the hotel room. And its empty. I call Christina but she doesn't answer. She must be out with Mandy. So i call Mandy.

"Hello?" Mandy said

"Its Connor have you seen Christina?" I asked

"No sorry" she said

"Its ok bye!" With that i hung up and waited in the room for an hour. Then i started to get worried i called Christina and she still didn't answer.

*5 hours later*

Someone was calling me and it was an unknown number so i piked it up

"Hello is this Connor Franta?" A man said

"Yes" i said

"Are you related to Christina Franta?" The man said

"Yes what happened to her!!" I screamed at the man

"She was in the mall and some 5 boys came running into her and she fell very hard on the ground and she is in a coma the boys took her to the hospital" he said at this point i was getting my car keys ready to go to the hospital.

"Ok thank you doctor" I said and hung up.

"BETHANY!!!" I shouted to beth. She woke up

"Christina was in the mall and fell and now she is in a coma and going to the hospital want to come?" I asked
"Yeah let me put in something ill be in the car in 2 minutes wait for me in the car!!"she said. By this time she was crying so was i.

*at the hospital*

Beth's POV

Me and Connor were waiting in the waiting room. Connor was balling his eyes out. So was i. I have never seen Connor so sad not even when his dad died. They said we could go to the room and see her. Me and Connor run to her room and see a girl pale and lifeless. I couldn't bare to see her like this so i just plopped on the floor and started crying.

An hour has passed and she hasn't woken up i went to her side and just sat there looking at her. I see connor at the end of my eye just sat there since we came he has been there just standing there looking at her. I asked the doctor how much time can she be in a coma and he said it could be even years.

Connor's POV

Its been a week now and she hasn't woken up. All our friends have been visiting her but me and beth haven't gone to the hotel since we went here a week ago. I wanted to see the 5 guys who knocked her down so i went to the doctor and asked her where are the boys and she said she would call them and asked them to come. An hour passed and the boys said they would be here. Then i saw 5 boys coming into the room.

"Hello are you the 5 guys who knocked my daughter over?" I asked

"Yes sir I'm so sorry we were just goofing around then they started chasing me and then i looked back and then the last thing i know is that i see this girl who is on the floor. I pushed her. Im so sorry" a curly guy said

"What are your guys names?" I asked them

"Well my names Harry, thats louis, thats Zyan, that Niall, thats Liam" Harry said

"Aren't you one direction?" I asked

"Yeah" they all said in together

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