Chapter 9

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It felt like I was going nonstop these last two days and I came to realize that was true. My little catnap on Elissa’s couch did nothing to energize me. I wanted to see Alexandra and her siblings behind a cell, just so I could go home and sleep the next day or two away. Then I’d rejoin society and whatever next battle waiting to take me as its next victim.

I stood outside of the Martins magic shop with my hands buried inside my jacket pockets. It was chilly outside and what was waiting for me inside brought no warmth. It turned out Ethan could go invisible when he chose to, making him my perfect partner. Bess was waiting in an unmarked van with a SCF SWAT team that would eventually arrest the Martins. Caleb, Jake, and Jared were spread out in various hiding spots I didn’t have the location to. They’d jump at the slightest threat or double cross. I felt safe knowing they were there.

Lastly, Lorelei was on demon patrol. She’d shred any demon at the meeting the minute Ethan gave her the go ahead of their location. 

I had my ears focused down the street to Bess’ voice. “It’s eight.” She said. “After you get confirmation the Martins are inside, you give us the word.” The word happened to be ‘hamburgers.’ It made sense at the time.

“Got it.”

Alexandra and her brood weren’t expecting me to come without back up and hand over such a dangerous artifact. I had to convince them that I actually was giving in. That there were no cops and other people waiting to do them damage, because there was no telling what tricks Alexandra had up her sleeve either. It was the epitome of a chess game and I had to outmaneuver her if I wanted to end it without bloodshed.

I couldn’t see Ethan standing to my right, his power didn’t have a loophole that allowed specific people to see him outside of his race, instead I heard his light footsteps following mine.

A jolly little bell rang when I pulled open the door. I sighed. “Really?”

“The shop is legitimate. What magic shop doesn’t have a bell above the door?” Alexandra asked with a mocking little chuckle.  She stood behind the counter like she was waiting to ring up an order. She was alone. “Do you have what you stole from me?”

“Not yet. Where’s your brother and sister, the demon that’s been cutting into me all week? I’m here to make a deal but I need an act of good faith. I need to know you don’t have someone waiting to kill me the minute I give you what you want.” I looked around for any clues.

“You’re right. You need to see this is serious business and I need to know you’re not fucking with me.” Her smile would’ve brought tears to a child’s face. “Marissa, come out here.”

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Something wasn’t right and there was nothing I could do about it. I no longer heard Ethan. I prayed he was searching the shop for any hidden traps/adversaries waiting.

Marissa Martin stepped out from the hallway where the bathrooms were located. She held my sister by her shoulders to make sure she walked out in front. It took me a moment to notice the blade aimed low at her back.

“You bitch.” I wanted to lash out and take every Martin witch down but my sister’s scared eyes were all I could see. “I told your demon I’d give you want you wanted. How did you find my sister?” I quickly ran through all the precautions I set up to keep Elissa safe. There was no failsafe.

“You mean how did we break through your precious magic? You’d be surprised by what I know.”

“My sister has nothing to do with this. We’re acting on good faith, right? So take the knife off of her, or I will destroy the damn mask before you can even say its name.” I meant it. I would’ve destroyed the damn thing before but the magic inside the mask wouldn’t allow it.

“That’s impossible.”

“You’d be surprised by what I know too.” I didn’t flinch, I didn’t blink. I couldn’t remember a time I felt so serious. When the warlock from The Coven targeted Caleb and Jamie, I wanted nothing more than to hurt him, deep down I did want to kill him. Alexandra and her siblings were steadily taking his place. Elissa was my little sister, the only one I’d ever have, and she was my biggest regret. I never should’ve left her and it was a vow I swore to never break again. The Martins had to pay for touching her.

Alexandra saw something in my eyes she didn’t dare question. She titled her head to her own sister. “Let’s plicate them for now.” She sounded confidant. There was no way she suspected there was a SWAT team outside or a dark angle inside ready to take down her crooked operation. There was only one chance to make a move with no time to waste.

“So?” I asked Alexandra. “Are we going to do this now? I want to hit the diner by my house for a good hamburger before they close.” I threw my hands out, using pent up energy I was harvesting from the moment we pulled up to the shop, to knock Marissa on her ass. I used more magic to keep her and Alexandra both pinned to the wall until backup arrived.  “Come on!” I took Elissa’s hand. My chest felt like it wanted to explode. Both Marissa and Alexandra were fighting my magic with their own. The Martins weren’t kidding when they said they were powerful.

Elissa laid her hands over my wrists. “Don’t be so hardheaded. I can help you.” Her magic flowed through me with that extra boost that made me feel unstoppable. She tried to sound strong but the fear was there. It broke my heart.

Three minutes didn’t pass from when I called out my secret word to when Caleb arrived inside the shop. He looked worried. I was sure he hated standing on the sidelines while I was alone with the people who caused me great harm. He was going make it impossible for me to think about denying what I felt for him. Looking into his eyes, I could fathom walking away.

An ugly monstrous scream broke our stare. I looked toward the hallway where the sound was the loudest. Lorelei stepped out, the cellar door must’ve been down that hall too. “Alfred is back playing patty cake with Satan.” She informed the witches, looking highly pleased with herself.

“I’m going to kill you all.” Marissa continued to struggle against the invisible bonds while Alexandra stood motionless.  In the end, her threats were hollow. 

The SWAT team took care of cuffing the Martin family. The cuffs were originally designed to withstand a vampire’s strength until they were placed in a cell made of the same steel. When more magic based crimes started to pop up, Matthew’s FBI tech created a version that bound magic, especially Alexandra’s favorite version; black magic. I didn’t know how the cuffs worked but I knew they wouldn’t work on a Coven member. We didn’t practice white or black magic.

The minute I let the energy drop she tried to attack me, lunging herself at both me and Elissa, but the cuffs did their job. She was just like any other human being hauled away to jail.

“Huh,” I sighed. “That was pretty awesome.” The demon was gone and every Martin witch was in custody. I could sleep in my own bed tonight after all. It felt good when something turned out good. I was still holding onto Elissa’s hand, I was too scared to let go. I looked over to her worried expression and smiled. “Let’s get out of here to let these officers finish up.”  Caleb followed us out.

“You’re worrying too much.” Elissa complained, pulling her hand as we crossed the street. I wasn’t letting her go.

“That’s my job as the oldest. What happened tonight?”

“I heard something outside and the next thing I knew, I was here at this shop. Can we talk about it tomorrow? I just really want to get out of here.” She was starting to look as tired as I felt.

“Fine but we’re not going back to the cabin. I need to find out how they got through the wards. It’s pretty late and it’s dark, I think we’re safe from any Coven spies.”

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