Chapter 7

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Karas POV

The doctor comes in giving us the ok that we leave. I quickly dress, while Koda runs down to the cafeteria and gets Anna and his father letting them know I'm awake and ready to go back to Koda's reservation. 

I think about slipping out the back door, and in reality if it wasn't for Annabella still being with them i probably would have, but i cant leave her with strangers, i have to get her back home. My thoughts are interrupted by people coming into my hospital room. "Cal.... I mean Kara?" I hear Annabella says slowly walking over to me. 

"Hey Anna." I say smiling at her, in a very apologetic way.

"I cant believe this, youre a person, well sorta." Anna laughs walking closer to me. 

"I'm sorry about hiding it from you. Believe me i wanted to tell you so many times but it wasn't safe for you to know my secret." I smile at her and she nods at me in understanding. "Why are you still here? Why aren't you with your family?" I ask looking at Koda and his father.

When i lock eyes with Kodas father i see nothing but distrust in them and i realize immediately he believes in the old law, that all Olympians must be killed. "She knows far to much and isn't allowed to go home to her parents. She has already wrote a note to them, explaining she had to get away for a while. That she loves them and this isn't their fault, but she has to come back to the reservation with us." Kodas father says/ 

"What do you mean she knows to much? Does she know where the reservation is? Does she know yalls last names? No! She hardly knows anything! She is so young, and its cruel to rip her away from her life!" I say, firmly, more so than i ever have before. I was ripped away from my mother, or more so she was ripped away from me, and i cant stand to see that happen to someone else. It isn't right.

"You will watch your tone young lady do you understand me?" Kodas father snaps.

"You aren't my Alpha, so i don't have to follow your orders." I Snap back feeling the anger prickle at the back of my neck.

"Watch it you abomination, i already hate your kind and have no problem ending you"

"That's enough!" Koda yells at us causing us both to break eye contact and look at him. "I will not have you killing my mate father, you  at still hold the alpha title but i am far younger than you and i will kill you over her. And Kara, Annabella has been to the reservation within the past two days, so she most defiantly knows too much at this point but i highly doubt she would want to leave at this point anyway." He says and smiles at Anna.

I turn to look at Anna with curiosity. "I met this boy on the reservation, his name was Seth, and apparently I'm his, um mate?" She says looking at Koda for confirmation, who knods at her. "He is so amazing, sweet and caring. And i cant explain it, its like nothing i have ever felt before. I feel like I've known him my whole life and i know deep in my heart that i can trust him." She says smiling at me, and i can see the love in her eyes. The same love my mother held when she spoke of my father.

"I don't like the idea of you being torn away from your family. Why cant she just stay with them? She can come and see Seth on the weekends and with the knowledge that her saying anything about our secret will harm him should be enough to cause her to remain loyal to the pack." I state looking Koda and his father.

"I mean that's not a bad idea. Father, she's Seth's mate, you can already look at her and tell how in love she is, she wouldn't say anything to cause him harm. I think we can trust her to keep quite and stay with her family." Koda says standing up a little straighter and for the first time i notice Koda is at least a foot and a half taller than his dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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