Chapter Four

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Kara's POV

I wake up the next morning freaked out for a minute till i remember where i am and why im here. Oh yeah, the dog pound. Standing up i stretch and shake out my fur walking to the edge of the kennel i sit down and look out trying to see if a worker will come soon. I need to go for a run. My wolf is already antsy being in a cage, and not being able to get out and run thats making it worse.

I start to whine feeling my bones tense up and wanting to shift back to my human form but i cant. I cant give into what my body is craving. I sit for a little while longer and luckily a worker stops by my kennel with a leash in hand. "Hey girl. You ready to go for a walk?" She ask. She is a teenager. Not much younger than i am. She has long waist length blonde hair and big green doe eyes, a cute little pointed nose and she is my hight when im in my human form. A petite 5'.

I wag my tail and start to jump around in a circle. She smiles and opens the door looping the leash around my neck and leading me down the row of kennels and to a door leading outside. We walk across a large field to a fenced in part of it. "Now im not supposed to be doing this, but if you dont tell i wont." She says with a smile and takes the leash off and then smiles at me. "Go on girl. I know you want to run. Have a blast, but please dont run off." She runs her fingers through my fur and i take off. Running as fast as i can stretching out my pent up muscles. I howl at the blue sky as I run to the edge of the field and back pushing as hard as I can. I don't know how long I ran for but I end up back at the girls feet panting laying on my side panting.

"You get all the energy out?" She ask with a laugh. "I'll let you rest a bit then we have to get you a bath so you look good for when people come." She says. I hear a hint of sadness in her voice and quickly sit up whimpering at her.

"Awe girl don't whine. It's all okay, you'll find a nice home real soon I'm sure of it. I wish I could take you home but my parents would never allow it. Not with my baby brother. But come on, bath time."

She leads me into the pound again and into a big room full of wash tubs used for baths. She picks me up carefully and puts me into one and starts washing me. As much as I hate it I sit and wait till she is done letting her wash my fur with a strawberry scented shampoo.

When she is finished she helps me out and leads me over to a table, with a collar leash thing to hold rowdy dogs in place. "C'mon girl up up!" She says partying the table. I jump up easily and allow her to dry and brush my fur, kind of enjoying the slight pampering.

She finished quickly and grabbed a pink collar off the wall full of them and carefully clipped it around my neck. "Alright girl. Let's go. She says hooking a leash to my new collar and leading me back to the kennels. "You know we really should give you a name. Hmm? What about Bella?" She ask and I shake my head. "You're right, well maybe I'll think about it by the time we get to your kennel." She says smiling as we walk down the long row.

I look up at her realizing she doesn't care that I'm a wild animal, she doesn't care that I could be very dangerous she is sweet and kind and likes me, just like I'm a husky it some poodle. And I want to be adopted by her. And I will be.

When we reach my kennel she unhooks me and opens the door. "Hey what do you think about Calla?" She ask and I see the excitement in her eyes.

I wag my tail and spin in a circle. Calla. I like it.

"Awesome so I'll fill out your card. Hmm you look to be pretty young. Maybe about two? Yeah we'll go with two." She says filling out my card. "Okay I'll be back shortly with some food okay? Be good." She says and takes off down the hall to get some food for her row.
~~~~~A few hours later~~
I'm woke up from a nap by the sound of people arguing. "But mama please! Just meet her." A genial voice says. It's my girl.

"No Annabel! She is a wild animal and i don't want her around Henry!" Another woman says. I'm assuming her mom.

"Please! We don't have to adopt her just meet her. She is so kind and I k ow she will love Henry. Please" she says and I hear the sadness in her voice.

I whimper and run to the edge of the cage whining trying to get her attention.

"Fine I will meet her." He mother gives in.

I hear them both start walking to me and I hear the sound of a stroller. So her baby brother is here too. I will have to make a good first impression.

"Hey girl! How are you today?" She ask crouching down and petting me through the kennel. "I brought some people to meet you so you have to be on your best behavior." Anna says and I wag my tail giving her a wolfy grin.

She opens the kennel and I sit patiently waiting for her to clip the leash on me, and when she does I walk calmly along side her to a large room that is very quiet aside from the sound of the air conditioner and the small refrigerator in the corner of the room. She unclips the leash and lets me be free to run around the room. But I don't. I sit and wait for one of them to make the first move. "Her name is Calla mama. Call her over" Anna says.

Her mom looks hesitant but does kneel down calling me over. "Come here Calla" She calls and I stand slowly walking over to her. When I reach her I lay down showing my belly so she knows I wont hurt her.

"She is so kind." Anna's mom says as she rubs my belly.

I jump up alert when her baby brother Henry yells in hos little baby voice. Walking over to him, I slowly lower my head and sniff the little boy, he smells like freshness and Cheerios. He giggle and pulls on my ears which actually doesn't hurt so I lick his little chubby face.

"See mom. Look how gentle she is with Henry! Please can we adopt her!" Annabel ask her mom giving her what people tend to call puppy dog eyes.

"She is wonderful with him. Fine, go tell Mr.Roberts and we will fill out the paper work." Her mom say. 

"Oh my god thank you!!!" Annabel says and runs out the door.

I guess today marks the first day of a new life.

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