Chapter Five

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Koda POV!

Two fucking weeks! It's been two fucking weeks since I saw Kara. My little mate. I have been looking high and low for her and I can't seem to find her anywhere. It's like she just up and disappeared.

"Son? What are you doing up here all alone? You should be out with the remaining girls to find your mate." My dad says walking into my room.

Every second of every day he is on my ass about picking one of these slut girls as my mate, the future Luna of this pack and I've had it!

"You know what dad? Fuck off! I've already found my mate and she left me! She up and ran off and I've been looking for her ever since but I can't fucking find her! She's gone!" I scream getting in his face.

Usually he would push me away and show me who the Alpha really is but my out burst has stunned him into silence. "What do you mean you found your mate? Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you look for her!"

"Because you would have killed her! I know you father and I know how against her kind you are. I didn't want you to hurt her, but now she's gone." I say dropping down on the bed.

"She's an Olympian. Isn't she?" My dad ask but it's more of a statement. He already knows the truth. The only thing he hates in this world, enough to kill is an Olympian.

"Yes. She is. But she hasn't hurt anyone. Not like the ones before her. She was in supersets for years, but even now that she's free, I know her dad. She wouldn't hurt anyone." I say even though, I don't know her. Not as well as I should, but even just meeting her the first time I know.

"How can you know her son? How long have you known of her?"

"I've known of her for two weeks, I've met her only once but father she is my mate and I know! I know she is pure." I say feeling my chest tighten at the thought of her.

"Then we will find her son. I will gather all the trackers and we will find her. No matter what it takes." He says walking over to me and placing his hands on my shoulders.

I stand gathering my father in a hug holding him tightly, needing the support of not only my alpha, but my father. "Thank you."

Kara POV
It's been two weeks since I've been living with the Westin family. They treat me better than I've never been treated. But I'm starting to slip. A few times I woke up early in the morning in my human form. And it's been getting harder and harder to stay a wolf. There have been more than a few times I felt the change starting while I was playing with the kids or laying on the couch with the parents and I had to jump up and act like I was getting water and run into kitchen and quickly change and then come back to the family. The switches are also getting a lot more painful. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to keep this up.
"Calla!" Annabelle calls.
I slowly jump off the bed because everything hurts. Even my fur hurts. I can't keep this up. I have to leave. "C'mon Calla! It's time to go to the dog park!"
Oh god. The dog park. Where obnoxious annoying pups will be jumping all over me and biting at me. Such fun.
I make my way down the stairs and meet Annabelle and she looks so thrilled to see me. I know it will break her heart when I leave. She clips my leash on and we head out the door making the two block walk to the dog park, going at a much slower place than normal and I think Annabelle realizes I'm not feeling well. "Are you okay girl? Do you need to go to the vet?" She ask and I freeze. Panicked.

I can't go to the vet! If I do they will realize I'm not just some ordinary wolf and my cover will be blown! I quickly perk up and start wagging my tail to make her think I'm okay. "Haha I guess not. Okay let's keep going." She says reaching down to pet me.

We don't get very far though before a huge dog jumps in front of us growling at Annabelle, crouching down about to attack. I get down baring my teeth at the stray daring him to come near my girl. But this stray has been wild long enough he senses I'm weak and prepares to challenge me. I leap in front of Annabelle pushing her back and further behind me right before the huge stray lunges at her. I react quickly making my own attack and going for his throat, but I miss and clip his shoulder. He lets out a yelp and uses his hind legs to kick at me catching me hard in the rib. I quickly recover before he has time to get my girl and make another effort, going low to confuse him and striking up hard this time meeting my target and locking my jaw around his throat. He begins to panic and flail around trying to get free. I finally let him go once I believe he got the message and he lowers his head stepping back. I give him one last growl before turning to make sure Annabelle is okay, but clearly I learned nothing in my time as a slave. Never turn your back on the enemy because as soon as I turn he tackles me locking his teeth around my throats just enough to draw blood before he takes off into a near by ally.

I howl in pain and see black spots beginning to cover my vision. "Calla No!" I hear Annabelle scream as she runs to me and dropping to her knees holding my head in her lap. "No calla please please stay with me." She pleads and I feel her tears fall into my fur. "Please calla."

I feel my body shutting down from the pain and exhaustion. My eyes slowly close and my breathing becomes more shallow. "Calla, what's happening?" Annabelle ask and I have no idea what she's talking about till I hear her gasp and I feel her cool hand on my face, my human face. "You're a werewolf."

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