Chapter 28: Planetary GO

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//I'm pretty sure there's only going to be 30 chapters, that's what I'm shooting for at least

          Giving more of the blanket to Keith, Lance scoots even closer towards him. "Are you warm enough?" Continuing massaging his back... Lance hesitated till he decided to wrap his arms loosely around Keith. Complete softness surrounded Lance and for a slight moment everything seemed right. Embracing the other male felt amazing. Did he really deserved this precious boy? Most likely not. Considering that he brought Keith to the edge of losing it...Maybe 'forgiveness' is more then enough he could ask of the vampire. He's deeply in love with Keith but Lance knew in the bottom of his hart...Keith was too good for him. Waiting till Keith fell asleep, Lance quietly gotten off the bed and went to the guess room. WHY should Keith express ANY amount of kindness to him? Let alone Lance be allowed to even touch him? "...I never deserved him in the first place." Sliding on the floor, Lance started to quietly begin to sob into a pillow when eventually he cry himself to sleep.

          Keith nodded softly letting out another yawn. Lances body close to his felt right.. Was this how Lance felt about him? Or was the body only reacting because he was in it and knew it was really Lance? There wasn't much time to thing about how it worked since he fell asleep quickly after the thought started. He snuggled a little closer to Lance as he slept, feeling a lot safer with someone by his side. He knew he shouldn't let Lance back in but he really did love him.. Maybe after a while he could be really to get back with him, after all it was a one time thing that he clearly regretted. And he could have been tricked into it by Lotor, he knew all too well how convincing that bastard was... When Lance left his side he shifted a little and let out a quiet whine. He hated to sleep alone.. He rolled over and his calm smile turned to a frown as he felt the heat beside him vanish. He didn't wake up but it wasn't the same as before now with his troubled sleep. He pulled the blanket up more hugging a pillow to try and regain that lost warmth.

          It was half way into the night where Allura helped Shiro collected everything they needed to trap Lotor, the two was on the rode not too far from there destination. "Are you nervous?" She asks, preparing herself for what to come. Shiro nodded a little as they left. "Of course I'm a little nervous heheh, were about to kill someone.. But I'm also happy and excited to help Keith finally be free.." He smiled a bit as he left with Allura, he was doing the right thing.

          Lance and Keith successfully switch back into there bodies, however it didn't seem to disturb ether ones sleep.

"I feel the same Shiro... Keith will live a more peaceful life with Lotor gone." Parking a few blocks away, Allura unpacked the car with a small weapon for her that could attack from a distant, it wasn't much but it could knock Lotor out if needed. Putting on the invisible cloak on she waited for Shiro. Keith now in the body sitting beside the bed fell over onto the floor staying asleep since the body he was in now felt a lot heavier and worn.

          Lotor like looked through the windows before kicking the door down. He searched the downstairs tearing the house apart, "My love I have come to rescued you from this prison~! Please Darling Id really have to break your limbs again and keep you in a sound proofed room with a gag and shock collar again- You know how much the hurts me"

          Immediately waking up to hearing a loud noise, Lance nearly tripped over something. "...Hm?" Taking a moment to recognize it was Keith, Lance quickly came to a conclusion that the spell had finally worn off. Wanting to shear the good news, he was about ready to wake the other male up till he suddenly heard a loud commotion from down stairs. Did someone brake in? The Hell??? Un-sure on what that sound was Lance decided to investigate on what the source was. Cracking the door a bit, he heard a very familiar voice. Shivers ran down his entire body. Why was that monster here? Quietly, closing the door and locking it. Lance Knew he had to think quickly for the both of them, Lotor would probably look here first.. Shit Opening Keith's window, Lance begin to tie blankets together and made a rope. "Keith? Keith, you need to wake up. I know this might freak you out but Lotor is inside the house. "

          Keith shifted a little as he started to wake up. Hearing Lances words he looked up at the male to see Lance in his own body. He started to shake as he looked to his own body, "L-Lotor..." He repeated quietly. "No.. No please... H-He can't" He started to panic. The man who took advantage of him, the one who did all these terrible things to him was back, he found where he lives. He was looking for him right now... Keith shook his head and ran his hands though his hair grabbing fist fulls and trying to calm himself down. What was he going to do now? Where would he go that Lotor wouldn't find him eventually? He couldn't help but start to panic over it, hearing Lotor getting closer only made things worse, he looked back up to Lance, "W-What do I do... Die-? Or run.. I.. I don't know what to do anymore, I want to live but this isn't living" He wiped his eyes and collapsed, then Lotor's name made him terrified, he couldn't face him. Not again.. He could only be strong for so long-

          Lotor trashed the downstairs and made his way upstairs, "Keith my darling~ I know you're here dear and I know you won't run this time~" He kicked Shiros door down and grabbed a baseball bat from it's hiding place, slowly dragging it up the stairs with it, "Keeiiiiith~ Where are you my sweet~?"

"I know your very frighten right now but I'll need you to focus..." Lance whispered quietly, taken Keith's hand and leading him towards the open window. "First, do you have any weapons inside the house?" Tying the bundles of blankets around one of the legs of the bed, Lance was pretty much done making a way to escape.

          Keith took Lances hand and made himself stand up though he was still pretty shaky. He looked to the window, a quick thought of jumping passed though his mind but he shook it off. He nodded at Lances question and glanced around the room. "I.. There's a gun taped to the back on my closet door... The ammo is behind the TV. Its only been used once-" He bit his lip and held onto Lances hand a bit tighter.

          Lance's hart sunk a bit hearing that and didn't expect for Keith to have a gun hidden in his room... "The rope should be secure.. I want you to run and see if you can get into a neighbors house for shelter." Lance reply before pulling Keith into his arms and hugging him tight. Knowing that Keith was probably scare out his mind, Lance rub the other one's back when he begin to speak. "...I know that I'm a disappointment as a boyfriend but I promise, I won't fail again...Protecting you is my top priority. I love you Keith. I'll do whatever it is to keep you safe."

          Keith buried his face in Lances chest, really just wanting Lance not to let him go. "I.. Lance..." He was tired if running and feeling weak. He didn't want to leave Lance alone, he didn't want Lance to do all of this on his own when he doesn't have to.. "Lance you're not a disappointment.. I know you meant well and you were brave to take my place. I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me. You've showed me a life I didn't know I could have- And when I'm with you I forget all about L-Lotor, and wanting the die. When I think of you.. I want to live, I want to do everything I can to make you as happy as you make me. And you hurt me, but.. I know how persuasive he can be and how he can control people to get the to do whatever he wants.. But make no mistake, I do love you Lance. And I'll get over this, so you better not do anything reckless or get hurt or Ill really be mad.. I know I'm too weak to stand against him, so I'll hide like you asked, just come back to me alright, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here-" He looked up and hesitantly pressed his lips to Lances quick to pull back and go to the window. He just wanted Lance to be safe..

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