Chapter 25: High Hopes

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I love this song dont judge me

          ...Wait. Suddenly a rush of guilt and shame washed over Lance....Both of them knew what he had done? Did Keith know too? "It was never suppose to go that far.'' He begin, trying to search for the right way to explain all of this mess. ''But it did happen-!'' Allura never thought Lance would stoop this low. "We was all worry about you. Do you even know the heart brake you cause Keith? Don't you dare say this was an accident. I saw the look on your face when you was fucking that monster." Lance eyes widened at that, mortified the fact that his closest friend had seen that.

"I-I don't have any feelings for Lotor...I wasn't thinking clearly and...and..." Although he did seem to found some common ground with Lotor, Lance never intent on sleeping with him. "I understand if both of you never forgive me or want to see me again but I need to see Keith, I want to apologize to him.''

          Shiro sighed and made his hand into a tight fist. "You don't understand do you? You want to act like you give a shit but did you see the state Keith's in? He got drunk off his ass and was crying like a child. He was begging to die because the one person he let in and really cared about left him for his abuser-! You don't understand just how fucked up that is! How much you actually broke his heart!" Shiro sighed and calmed down. He stood up so he wouldn't be tempted to hurt Lance while in Keith's body. "There is no way I'm letting you see him, I want you to switch back and get the fuck out of here. You let that bastard have Keith's body after all we've been doing to keep of out of his hands.."

          Keith shifted and rubbed his eyes. He looked down and cursed under his breath and sat up, he sighed and kicked over his pike of movies. He was a bit cranky and not fully sober yet.

          Shiro heard a crash and signed, "I think Keith woke up.. Don't let him see Lance or it'll end badly. Hell either break down or go into a rage and none of us want either of those trust me. Just stay here I guess- If you leave this room I'll kill you, Allura you're free to do what you want. Just don't damage the body he's in." And with that he left the room and went to see Keith. He slowly entered the room quickly ducking when a CD was thrown at him. Or maybe at the door? 

"Keith. C'mon that wasn't very nice-"

"I'm not nice-" He quickly retorted. "I'm a fucking monster.."

"Keith we've been over this, you're being too hard on yourself"

"Even the guy who gets paid to sleep with people did want me-! I just.. What did I do wrong? Was I to clingy? Was I boring? Not sexual enough? Too weak?" He rubbed his eyes again and whimpered burying his face in Shiro's chest. "Keith no, you didn't do a thing wrong.. It wasn't you at all, Some people just don't know a good thing when they have it." He rubbed Keith's back and held him tightly. "Let's get you some food. Allura's gonna stay the night. You can watch movies, and play games, and have a good night without and drama alright? Forget about that human for a bit, you have friends to keep you company. And were not going anywhere." He smiled a bit and walked Keith out of his room. "I.. I guess I can try, I'm glad Allura is still here..."

          He never imagine that he would cause someone to there breaking point.How could Lance betray Keith like this? He finally found someone he trusted with his life and felt whole with... In the end he screw all that up in one night." Lance, what you did was absolutely disgusting.. Keith, trusted you and you betray him in the worse way possible." He didn't know exactly what he should even do at this point or even if he should even face Keith. 

"D-Did Keith.. I... Did he really want to die because what I did?" Hands started to shake as tears to pour out. Slowly nodding, Allura knew that Lance felt sorry for cheating but the damage was already done. '' I could never trust you again and neither should Keith!" She shouted angrily, really tempted to smack him. Lance just stood there quiet, unsure on what he should even do that this point. Not only he lost Keith and his best friend too. perhaps it was better this way... Slamming the door behind her, Allura went downstairs and sat on the couch. At this point she couldn't wait till the two of them switch back and Lance could get the hell out.  

          Keith heard the door slam and heard Allura shout something before it so he pushed back Shiro and went to investigate.He passed Shiro's door but paused. What was that smell? Maybe Hunk was here? It was a sort of wet dog scent.. He could use a good hug from Hunk right about now. He always gives the best hugs- "Shiro" He called out a little as the older male made his way down the stairs, "I'm gonna say hi to Hunk"Shiro's eyes widened when he saw Keith with his hand on the door to his room, "No- no no, he's uh. He's not in there. Let's go see Allura ok? No need to go in my room" 

          Keith rolled his eyes, "Adam isn't here so there's nothing for you to be embarrassed about. Or is there another half naked guy in there waiting for you and not me~? Toooo late Takashi~" He laughed and opened the door but froze when he saw Lance. Holy shit.. What was he doing in there? Why was he there?? What the fuck was going on??? "No.. No no no no-!" He teared up and started shaking and just plain freaking out. He wasn't strong enough to use magic in Lances body but he was subconsciously trying anyway. Though all it did was suck energy from Lances body, practically draining the life from it...

          Shiro rushed in putting his hand over Keith's eyes, "Keith don't-! Calm down before you kill yourself and him!!" Keith wasn't stopping. Shiro sighed and hit a pressure point instantly knocking him out. The life slowly returning to the body he was in. He scooped Keith up and sighed. "I'm sorry. He'll wake up soon, I'm going to lay him on the couch downstairs. Do whatever you want... Just..." He couldn't even think of what to say really, he didn't want Keith to wake up to find Lance here.. And he didn't want to keep hurting Lance when he was obviously torn up, he might have just been under Lotor's control so he can't even really blame him for that-  

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