Chapter 7: Amsterdam

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          Night passed while Lance slept well in Keith's arms the whole night. The next morning Keith received a voice message from Lotor asking if the two could could meet up somewhere and 'talk'. Unfortunately, it woke up Lance and he was getting pissed off at Keith's ex blowing up his phone. Taking Keith's cell, Lance was going to turn it off until he saw the pictures that Lotor was sending. ..Dead Bodies? What the fuck is this?? Reading some of the messages made Lance blood run cold. 

-I been following you lately-

-People are getting suspicious over Vampire attacks and it's becoming a problem-

-I'm fucking tired of cleaning up after you, Keith.-

-Each time you killed, You need to BURN it or make it look like a suicide.-

-Call me when ur free.-

           Keith shifted and rubbed his eyes waking up, "Mmm.. Lance?" He sat up slowly looking around, "You alright?" The rooms atmosphere had gone cold and dense which worried Keith, "Y-Yes.. I'm fine, Keith." It was NO WAY those 'Dead Bodies' were Keith's fault! His ex boyfriend was abusive and probably crazy in the head too! Keith wasn't a killer! Keith chuckled a little and gently kissed Lances cheek, "Can I have my phone back then? If you were trying to see if I show up in pictures the answer is yes, I am half human y'know~" Lance blushed and smiled at that. He put the phone down and turned towards Keith. "I was just checking the time. It's still early.." Lance begin to crawl back to Keith in bed and looping his arms around Keith's neck. "We have plenty of time to do... other things." He blushed a little then smirked getting an idea, "There is.. One~ thing I'd love to do" He pinned Lance down and lifted his shirt up, but before Lance could say anything he pressed his lips to his stomach and blew a raspberry hoping Lance was ticklish or at least had a sense of humor-

          Whoa, Keith sure took charged of the situation quickly by pinning him down.. Feeling the other males lips on him, Lance couldn't help but to laugh out loud once he felt Keith tickling him. "K-Keith---Hahah, NO FAIR! Ahaha- Y-You fight dirty!!" He continued to laugh as he try his best to get Keith off of him. Keith laughed and stopped after a bit sitting up over Lance with a wide smile. "Hahaha.. Sorry but that was too funny- You're face was priceless! I wish I had it on camera or something.." It was nice to really be like this with someone who wasn't a crazy stalker. Lance couldn't believe Keith was still single. He liked it when someone could make him laugh and could joke around with him time to time. "I'm going to get you back, You better watch it." Lance replied, poking Keith's side. He rolled his eyes and chuckled getting up and getting his phone. After looking at the time he noticed new messages from Lotor. He took a few deep breaths and calmed himself down before it would get too bad. "Lance.. Did... Did you read these?" He didn't care really he just wanted to explain before he got the wrong idea"Hm? I-I may saw a few messages.. Sorry... Although, your ex seems to have the wrong idea about you." Keith nodded a little, "It's ok Lance, if I want to be with you I need to be open with everything, and I have nothing to hide from you. You know what I am." He sat back on the bed, "But I need to tell you something and you probably won't like it.. You may even hate me after..." Laying down, Lance rest his head on Keith's chest. He knew what Keith was and what he wasn't. "Vampires suck blood from humans necks to get there fill. I've seen it in movies. Those horrible pictures of the dead bodies I know it wasn't you doing. Your Ex is just trying to start up shit with you for no reason." He played with Lances hair, "Not everything in movies is right, but.. I have taken lives. I'm not proud of it though, and sometimes I stay awake for days on end because I can't stop thinking about the horrible things I've done. And I can't stop myself- I've tried and tried to push that part of myself back but I can't it only makes it worse..." He let out a shaky breath, he didn't want Lance to hate him. "Over time I've cut down a lot, and learned how to control it for the most part. But it's painful, it's like I'm staving myself.. Forcing myself to stay away from whats natural.. Using every part of myself to hold back. Most of those pictures were old, he's been saving up to try and make me feel guilty.. And it's working"

Some Nights - Klance vampire AU [TW]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt