Chapter 22: God there's a lot of these

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          Hearing Coran was chasing down Keith, Lance's hands ball up into a fist. He couldn't believe that this nut job was trying to kill Keith. Still crawling on the floor, Lance try to find a place for him to hide...Hearing the table flip over and then hearing the gun shot made him jump. Holy Shit! This guy definitely wasn't playing around. The bar was technically clothes and all the lights was off, Lance took advantage of Keith's night vision and started to search quickly and quietly threw the bar. Crawling down the a hall way, Lance started to feel around for any door knobs and he gotten lucky. Opening a door that lead to a restroom, he went inside and quietly shut the door, locking it. Lance felt absolutely week and at this point hasn't eaten since the sandwich Lotor given him. His stomach begin to growl in hunger. Knowing that he needed to eat to bring up his energy so he could fight off Coran's attacks, Lance started to search threw the garbage for something edible to eat. Eventually, he found a 'M&M wrapper' and a half eaten apple. He ate the candy the was left in the bag and try the best he could to eat the apple...but in the didn't work. He rush to the toilet and threw up yet again. "What is happening to me?" His head started feel heavy, and the room was spinning. " me---" Trying to communicate to Keith, Lance try to finish his sentence before passing out on the bathroom floor. 

"Wait....My uncle has been hunting you?" Allura eye's widen at the discovery, unable to understand her uncle's motives. Most people point and laugh at Coran, thinking vampires and werewolves are only in fairy tales, for a while Allura thought so too and just thought of her uncle was a mentally ill person who just goes around town preaching the bible to anyone who will listen. Recently, she had learn he was a vampire hunter and was tracking down supernatural beings. "Keith...I-I had no idea he was doing that to you .." She felt absolutely was disgusted by this...Hearing Keith wanted to speak to her uncle as Lance, Allura begin to bit her bottom lip, unsure if it would work. "It's an idea...Although I'd try multiple times to explain that Vampires need to feed off humans to survive and that some of them don't even kill."She closes her eyes for a moment, trying to figure out the best possible way to talk to her uncle and make him stop with these crazy hunts. "Perhaps we should go and talk to him a little later...But for now, lets focus on the good things and enjoy our day of shopping together." Reaching out for Keith's hand , Allura started to walk even faster to the mall, excited to make some memories with her friend.  Keith nodded, "He's been on my trail for years.. I've only fought him a few times, but, I couldn't kill him, not that I didn't want to. But he kept saying he wanted to prove 'them' wrong. I guess he was talking about his family and friends.. Or something? I never cared too much about it but I figured if someone he knows didnt believe maybe he could let it go somehow? 

          Keith flinched pulling his hand away from Allura, "Lance- Lance!?" He ran his hands though his hair kneeling down to the sidewalk, eyes starting to tear up- "Why- What are you going to gain from tormenting me..? WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME-!?" He shook his head not even noticing any of the passerby's looking at him, he shook his head wanted to be rid of Lances voice forever, what was going on.. He wanted help? Now? Did he realize what a monster Lotor was? He tried to lock in on his location, there was no one but Lotor in his house, he wasn't there? Where was he? "L-Lance.. Where are you- Please-" He couldn't handle this all, is head was spinning, he felt weak.. What was going on? Why was this happening?? He tried to think back, how long has it been.. When was this going to wear off? He shook using his power to lock in on Lance, "C'mon- C'mon c'mon..." He finally got a visual, he was passed out in a bar down town. Keith was trying not to care but then he heard a familiar voice.. Coran??

          Keith snapped out of it and shot up taking a hold of Allura's hand again, "Lance is in trouble- He tried to escape on his own and in trapped inside the bar, probably the one you were talking about? Coran caught up to him- To me.. He went outside so carelessly... I should have warned him about the daytime.. How weak he can get in the sun" He sighed and dragged Allura with him down the road starting to jog, "I might hate his guts but I have to at least save my body. You can distract Coran maybe?" By now Lotor was up, and looking everywhere for Lance. He shouted angrily and smashed a few things before going to look for him, this time he was going to cut his legs off so he couldn't escape ever again. He was going to be Lotors little doll...

         Coran heard a thud in the bathroom and smirked. He was talking to himself now about who knows what. He tried a few times to open the door but to no avail.. He kicked the door about three times before throwing himself against it. Nothing was really working, but he wasn't going to waste a bullet for something as stupid as a door lock. He was going to be smart about this.  He woke up the passed out owner of the shop demanding the bathroom key. When the man refused he pointed the gun to his head and told him once more, "I require the key to the mens restroom, if I don't it I'll be taking it with force, and I'll be taking two lives instead of one. Don't make me waste a perfectly good bullet on a human like you-" The man pointed him in the right direction before passing out again from pure fear. 

          Coran rolled his eyes and went to grab the key, he started to sing as he searched, "In a cavern down by a canyon. Excavatin' for a mine, there lived a miner from North Carolina. And his daughter, chubby Clementine. Now every mornin', just about dawnin' A'when the sun begins to shine- You know she would rouse up, wake all a dem cows up. And walk 'em down to her Daddy's mine. A'took the foot bridge, way 'cross the water. Though she weighed two-ninety nine. The old bridge trembled and disassembled, dumped her into the foamy brine. Hey, crackle like thunder, (ho, ho) she went under (ho, ho) blowin bubbles down the line. Hey, I'm no swimm'a but were she slimm'a  I might'a saved that Clementine. Broke the record, way under water I thought that she was doin' fine. I wasn't nervous ya until the service that they held for Clementine. Hey you sailor (ho, ho) way out in your whaler- With a harpoon, your trusty line. If she shows now, yo, there she blows now, It just may be chunky Clementine. Oh my darlin', oh my darlin' , oh my darlin' sweet Clementine.  You may be gone, but! You're not forgotten. Fare thee well. So long- Clementine~"

           Prove them wrong? Hearing Keith's words made Allura think....Her entire family lives in a small quiet town and non of them really believe in supernaturals, maybe her uncle wanted to show their family that he wasn't a nut going around town chasing fictional creatures. Perhaps Coran just wanted to hear some validation? "Hm? Keith??" Seeing her friend grab his head like he was in pain, Allura rush to his side.Hearing that Lance was trying to contact Keith made Allura bloods boil for a moment till she hear that he could be in serious danger!!Keith took her hand and both of them ran as fast their could. "M-My uncle is with Lance?! I-Is he alright?!?!" Suddenly her stomach started to turn as she thought of all the horrible things Corran might do if their didn't get to the bar in time. "The drug might wear off later tonight. Keith, I'm unsure how my uncle might react when he see us....Maybe a distraction? Whatever the plan is we need to proceed with caution."

          Hearing Coran singing woke Lance up a bit...He was still was daze out but he manage to get himself off the floor. Gathering all his strength, he pushes the garbage so it could block the door. Keith ran without thinking and ended up tripping over the sidewalk, he let go of Allura's hand so she wouldn't be taken down with him. This body wasn't as fast as his.. He winced and got up starting up again to the bar. It didn't take long for the two of them to get there when they were running like that. He just hoped he wouldn't be too late.. Keith busted the door down with one kick, he wasn't having anything get in his way. He saw the man on the floor and inspected him, "No bites.. No physical damage.." He mumbled as he stood back up, "He's not dead.. Just unconscious, so were are they then." Looking around he saw the hall to the bathrooms and took a deep breath, "Coran-? Hey, you in here?" He called out, trying his best to fit into Lances voice.

          Coran perked up and shouted back from a small space in the kitchen, "Oh- Lance? How did you know I was here my boy? No matter.. I want to show you something! Is Allura with you? Who am I kidding you two are always together. Allura dear-" He came out from the back and smiled. "You'll never guess what I have to show you~ I grantee you'll be more surprised then you were on your seventh birthday when I took you to scuba dive in Florida! You loved that so much, Ill never forget your face then haha.. But this is amazing as well!!" He smiled happily motioning for then to get closer.

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