Chapter 28

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You follow the boy, going through a maze of dark hallways.

There was a bustle of laughter at the end of the hall. The boy pushes you into a dark corner, pulling a potted plant closer for more protection.

"Can't wait to fight those stupid Monsoons!" One gang member cheers.

"Yeah, and since some one killed most of their muscel, this will be an easy war." Another adds on.

You hold your breath, not daring to even to take oxygen from your nose. They walk by without noticing you two in the corner. The boy lets out a hot breath in your ear when they turn the corner.

He pushes the plant out of the way to its orginal spot. He pulls you down more corridors and you finally get to the outside.

"Go." He half yells. You didn't need him to tell you twice. You sprint away from the warehouse, giving all you got.

Reality (Y/n) POV

You shake off Korra's hand slightly. "Are you okay, (y/n)?" Voice thick with worry.

You put on a fake smile, ridding thoughts of the flash back. "Yeah, I do that when I'm drained of energy. You lie.

Korra smiles back. "Now that you say that, I'm tuckered out as well." The Avatar stretches and sighs. "Wanna go for a ride?"

You were confused. "What do you mean?" You shivered in the cold wind.

"On Naga. My polar bear dog. Come on! It'll be fun!" Korra jumps up, excited.

You had agreed, curious. It was not what you expected. You held on tight to the back of the saddle, straining your fingers.

You let out a loud whoop when Korra tells Naga to go faster. Korra laughs and joins in.

Korra had lended you one of her winter outfits and you were very thankful. The wind and snow particals cut at your exposed face but you didn't care, you were having fun.

"Do you want to try?" Korra looks back at you. You give her a surprised gasp.

"Being in frount?" Your heart sped. "Oh, I don't know..." You look down, breaking the gaze.

Naga stops at Korra's demand, panting. "It's easy. I'll show you." Korra directs information and Naga acted well, making it easy to learn.

At first you had taken it slow with Naga, getting used to being in frount. But it wasn't long until you had her go full speed.

You and Korra screamed with excitment and joy when Naga jumped over a big gap. Adrenaline pumped through your viens.

The polar bear dog pants happily and runs faster. The wind whipped your hair back and made your eyes water.

"When should we head back?" You shout back to Korra. She sighs airly.

"I don't know." She laughs. "I don't want to. This is too fun!" She was right on that.

"We did come out a far distance." You made Naga slow down to a trot. "Do you want to be in frount? So when we go over the gap again, you get to experience it first-hand." You turn to face her bright blue eyes.

"That would be great!" She exclaims loudly. You switch spots, excited yet sadden at going back.

Korra POV

Today was fun. (Y/n) was interesting. I thought she would be more... Different... Air Acalitey...

Her personality seemed more waterbender like.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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