It Comes.

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It comes in the quiet night, when all are sound and sleeping.

It avoids the bright lights and slips through the shadows, it's dark figure unseen. It's presence unnoticed to all. Humans are such simple, ignorant creatures, so unaware of what is truly there in the dark. Rarely has it's kind ever been caught, only revealing itself when it's too late for their victims...

Quietly, it creeps closer to the little house on the corner, closer to the opened bedroom window...

A breeze whispers through the night, lifting up the curtains to Sleeping. Your chest rises and falls slowly, it can smell your sweet blood and sense your warmth. It growls softly, dark hands grasping your windowsill.

Not a soul notices when it enters the threshold.

It slips into your room, creeping across the floor and closer to you. It stops just near your bed. Leaning close, it takes in your scent, growling with satisfaction. Humans always smell good but you, you smell better. Sweeter.

And you are awake.

Your eyes are open, staring face to face with such a horrifying creature.

"Hey, you..." you murmur sleepily.

It comes in the quiet night, when humans slumber and monsters roam freely. It's kind are still hunting but it is done for the night.

It is always sure to feed before coming to you, never wanting to risk any temptation as it crawls into your bed. It knows what it is. A monster, a nightmare, the scary stories humans tell around the fire. But it also knows what it has longed for so long.

Warmth. Tenderness. Love.

You give it all of that and more. It crawls into bed, keeping close to you as it snuggles beneath the blankets. You stroke it's face with your soft hand and kiss it, whispering a good night as your eyes close once more.

It comes to you every night. And it always will.

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