Chapter 2

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Older Hiccup looked up to see Gothi and Fishlegs coming out of the hut.

"Gothi! Do you know anything about this?" He asked standing up. Gothi quickly looked away and wrote something in the dirt, which Fishlegs translated.

"Do you need anything Astrid?" He asked.

"No, Astrid doesn't need anything. I'd like to speak to you about the boy who appears to be me from the past," Hiccup said.

Astrid appeared at Hiccup's side. "We need to know if he really is from the past."

Gothi gulped and began to quickly walk away. "Hey, hey! You come back here!" Astrid exclaimed and Gothi sighed, turning around.

"Is it possible that the boy came from the past?" Hiccup asked.

She wrote something on the ground and Astrid and Hiccup turned to Fishlegs to translate. "What did she say?" Astrid asked as Tuffnut and Ruffnut walked up to them.

"Uh..." Fishlegs stammered. "She's crazy." Gothi glared at him and wrote something else.

Fishlegs eyes widened. "Gothi! You should've told him before!"

"Well?" Hiccup asked.

"She doesn't know what you're talking about," Fishlegs smiled nervously. "Are you sure Astrid doesn't need anything?"

"Gothi, I think you know exactly what we're talking about," Hiccup said and Astrid glared.

"Let's hit her!" Tuffnut said and Ruffnut held up Macey. Gothi's eyes widened again and wrote something else quickly.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay!" Fishlegs said as he read what Gothi wrote. "She says that something in the past sent younger Hiccup here. And she helped pull him from the past after getting a note from past Gothi."

"Wait, why did he come here?" Astrid asked and Gothi wrote something.

"She... Doesn't know," Fishlegs sighed.

"Great. So... How do we get him back?" Hiccup asked.

"She doesn't know that either. She doesn't know how to fix it yet," Fishlegs said.

"Awesome! So it is a younger, more annoying version of Hiccup that we can totally prank!" Tuffnut high-fived Ruffnut and Gothi hit him with her staff and pointed to some writing on the ground.

"Until we figure out what happened and how to get him back, try not to kill him or teach him too many things. If anything messes up in the past, it can change the future," Fishlegs said.

"Aw man," Ruffnut and Tuffnut pouted.

"We'll keep him safe, don't worry," Hiccup nodded. "And try not to let him know about everything that happens in the future."

Gothi smiled and went back into her hut before sending young Hiccup out. "S-so?" Younger Hiccup asked.

"You're stuck with us for now H. But don't worry. We'll teach you the ways of the Thorston twins!" Tuffnut said as he and Ruffnut pulled younger Hiccup away from everyone else. They began walking towards the village.

"Hiccup," Astrid said and present Hiccup turned to her. "The younger version of yourself still has Stoick in his life... If he finds out that Stoick di- isn't here anymore, it could alter everything."

"Not only that, but my Mom's here now. Which will make our job that much harder to preserve the past. We need to make getting him home our top priority," Hiccup said and Astrid nodded before they took off to find answers.

Sorry again for the short chapter, but some important details and a little humor with Gothi were in this chapter!

The next chapter will be out soon! See you guys later, dragon riders!

HiccstridGirl out.

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