Chapter Eight: Confusion

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I slowly backed up from the girl who was facing me. "Uh-I-I didn't take anything." I explained to her. All of the sudden she busted out laughing. "You should've seen your face!" She yelled meanly. She was nearly crying with laughter, along with the entire Ares cabin. "Come on Lia, let's go." Enna said, dragging me away from the crowd. "No!" I wriggled free of her grasp and stalked up to the girl, then I did something really stupid.

I socked her in the face.

Hey, you can't blame me, I was furious.

The girl was so angry, she then punched me in the face. It hurt severely. It knocked me out, to be precise. Chiron then took me to the infirmary to be cared for. I woke up a couple hours later with a major headache. "Agggghhhhh..." I groaned as I sat up. "That was the stupidest thing anyone could have ever done." A voice said beside me. I looked over to see it was Enna. "Punching Clarisse, in the face?" "Never been done before." She smiled and high-fived me. "THAT WAS SO AWESOME!" Someone yelled from the hallway. Leo burst into my room and wrapped me in a giant warm, hug.

"Okay, Lia, I thought you were awesome before, but now you are the most amazing girlfriend ever!" He yelled in excitement.

"Girlfriend?" I questioned, smiling.

Leo blushed fiercely. "I-I- mean, if that's what you want me to call you." He said nervously. I pulled him into a short kiss and said, "It's fine with me." He blushed severely and smiled so wide I thought he'd split his lip.

I grinned back and said, "Well, if I'm the most amazing girlfriend ever, can you convince Chiron that I'm fine? Because I really am." "Sure Lia." He said still grinning like an idiot. He walked off, and about 5 minutes later, he came back with Chiron at his heels.

"Ms. V." He said curtly, nodding towards me. He looked through some papers on his clip board and said, "Well, I suppose your injury was only minor, so you can go on your quest. It's time for you three to leave." I practically flew out of my bed and into the Hecate cabin with Leo by my side.

I shouldered my pack, (Leo already was wearing his) and together we walked to Percy's cabin, hands intertwined. When we approached the cabin, I knocked, and literally a second later Percy opened the door, pack and all.

"Ready to go?" He asked, smiling. "Seriously you guys, I don't get why you're all excited to come with me on this quest, one of you is going to die." I said before I could stop myself. The two boys stopped dead in their tracks. "Well, on that happy note, let's be on our way." Leo said, gesturing towards the bus that would take us wherever we needed.

"Hey, do you guys have anywhere planned in your brains where we need to go?" I asked them. The prophecy had said nothing about where we needed to go. Hm. I replayed the prophecy in my head. "A daughter of magic shall compete..." Hm..... "Hey Percy," I ask. "after the Giant War, was there any enemies that weren't killed and went into hiding or something? And has anyone been missing lately?"

I immediately knew I shouldn't have asked that last question due to Percy's expression. "Now that I think about it, there was a female giant who escaped. She said she'd get revenge. And yeah, the person missing? You're holding her sword."

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