Chapter Two: Illusions

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I trudged up the big hill to where my dad had told me to go. Straight.

I thought I heard growling, but no, that's impossible, there's no dogs up here!

That's what I thought.

All of the sudden a dog the size of a fully grown pine tree jumped out at me.

It was snarling like nuts.

I thought I was going to die.

It came closer, and sniffed.

The weird thing was, it stopped snarling when it sniffed.

It seemed like a nice dog all of the sudden.

"Weird." I muttered under my breath.

The dog acted as if it wanted me to hop on it's back.

And for some strange reason, I did.

The dog started running to what I could see was a giant archway.

"Good doggie!" I exclaimed in happiness.

The dog stopped right in front of the arch.

"This is crazy." I muttered again, in awe.

I walked through the arch into a beautiful camp.

That's when I saw it.

A boy, a beautiful boy with jet black hair and sea green eyes.

But that's not the crazy part.

The boy was controlling water.

Just then, the boy saw me. He looked about 18 years old.

"Hi!" He said as he walked up to me. "You look new, where are you from, who brought you here?" He asked.

"Hi, I'm Lia, and my dad dropped me off below the hill about an hour ago." Wow it had taken me that long to walk up the hill?

"Well, hello Lia, I'm Percy." The boy, Percy said.

"Hello, do you mind telling me where I am?" I asked him.

"Your dad didn't tell you?" He asked.

"No, he didn't say anything about anything." I replied.

"You're at Camp Half-Blood, it's the only safe place for Greek demigods like us." He said

"Wait, demigods, you mean like Greek mythology?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, but it's not a myth. The Greek god and goddesses are real." Percy said. "And you're a demigod, half god, half human."

"That's not possible." I mumbled.

"It's a lot to take in isn't it?" He told me.

"Yeah." I replied.

It's strange, but somehow, I believed it.

Just then, a boy with flames in his hands walked up to me.

"Hi, I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus." He said and held out his flaming hand to me.

"Um..." I pointed to his hand.

"Oh! Sorry about that!" He exclaimed as he extinguished the flames.

I shook his hand. It was still a little warm from the fire, but it felt nice.

We looked at each other and smiled.

A Mist-Like life (A Leo Valdez Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now