Chapter 3

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Eric showed me a great spot under the tree.

"This is my favorite spot. It's quiet, but not that quiet. Also not many people come here."

"I think I'll be coming here every free period. It's beautiful."

Eric and I sat beneath the tree and pulled out our laptop. We typed away on our laptops not minding the silence. Time flew past and I looked up with a start when the bell sounded.

"Woah... that was fast. Can you tell me which building is the gym?"

"I just wrote a short article and I have 5 more left, and they are due tomorrow... gosh... That one, do you see the building with a ridiculously big window? That's gym."

"Thanks. Bye Eric."

"See you!"

*Time skip (because nothing special happened in gym and I hate P.E.)

After the bell rang I changed out of my gym clothes and headed straight to my bike. I hopped on and speed home.

I stopped at the station to see Dad.

"Hey Dad."

"Hey kid, how was school? Did you make some new friends?"

"Yeah, today was nice. I'm going to Jake's for dinner. You know what happens when Bella and I sit at the same table during dinner."

"A complete disaster, I know. But bake me a blueberry pie later."

"Deal. Love you, Dad."

"Enjoy your dinner sweetheart and tell Billy to bring Harry's fishfries next time he comes to watch the flatscreen."

"Will do!"

I parked my bike in front of the garage and jumped out. I found Jake banging away on something. Once he saw me he lept up, picked me up and spun around.

"You staying for dinner? Can we have spaghetti? I missed your spaghetti. And meatballs."

"Only if you hang around the kitchen while I cook. Then I will cook spaghetti tonight."

Jake danced a little victory dance and followed me to the kitchen. Billy wheeled in to see what the fuss was about.

"Hey Billy! I'm cooking dinner in this house from now on!"

"It's good to have you back. We missed you"

"You mean my food."

"That especially," Billy chuckled.

Dinner was a success. I giggled as Jake wiped every bit of tomato sauce on his plate with his last piece of meatball.

"This is heaven... Can I have some more?"

"No, you'll get sick if you eat too much."

"But it's too good to stop eating!"

I popped my meatball into his mouth which immediatly shut him up.

"I'll make you mini pizzas with the tomato sauce tomorrow. There's some left in the pot."

Jake cheered and hugged me.

"You're an angel!"

"I know. I'm awesome."


This chapter ended weirdly....

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