Chapter 10

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Im on a real roll this weekend, i hope you enjoy this intense chapter :)


Chapter 10

"I can't believe another one is dead" Anna said looking up from the afternoons paper. "The report says the victim was bitten on the neck, a gash across the neck caused excessive blood loss which caused the victim to die pretty much instantly." Liam and Keiran's heads both pricked up, the four of us were spending the afternoon together but i still havn't felt myself around Liam yet. He cant be the killer though right? He has been with the three of us all day when would he have got the chance to kill again. Well he had plenty of kills in the xbox earlier but that doesnt count. I stood over behind Anna, glancing my eyes down at the article, thank god there wasn't a picture.

"The time between deaths are increasing" Kieran noted gaining eye contact with Liam, i can almost guarantee he is speaking in his head now, knowing Liam can understand fully. Why can't he just speak out loud, i thought to myself. I hate not knowing what is going on.

"Liam, what do you think is causing these deaths" i questioned, unsure whether he would tell the truth, afterall he wouldnt tell me if he really was the murderer. 

"Right now, even i dont have a clue but all three incidents have definitely all been animals, so our only lead so far is shape shifter. Why they are killing though have absolutely no clue, and neither do any of them" He replied looking as puzzled as everyone else in the room. "The only thing i can suggest is we get some takeaways and make a meal out of a brainstorming session, wanna come for a walk?" The idea of being alone with him still scared me but we would be walking along some main streets and Burger King isnt a long walk what could possibly go wrong in that short amount of time. 

"Why not" I replied slipping on my coat, i hadnt eaten since lunch and my stomach was starting to communicate with me, bossing me around for food. His hand slipped into mine, matching mine exactly as he led me out the door and into the elevator. 

Outside the dimly lit street was deserted and i felt a wave of cool air wrap over me sending a shiver across my lower back. I matched his pace and we walked hand in hand. A couple of days ago i would have been overjoyed at this moment but now im scared, im scared i could be walking hand in hand with a killer.

"It wasn't me" Liam whispered, "I could never do something like that, i wish you could understand that." I felt my cheeks flush red. I really need to remember he can hear my thoughts. Deep down I think i believe him though, what motive would he have to kill randomly like that. He placed his hand on my waist, walking closer to me, holding me tight and i felt safe, secure and pleased. Until i heard the scream. Liams pace picked up and as we turned the corner i saw him, a young teenage boy lying back down to the concrete a falcon perched on his limp body piercing at his skin. A gold sphere emerged from his lips, floating towards the falcon, its talons dipped in blood. In a second Liams arm left my body, leaving an empty feeling where it rested and transformed, shifting into his tiger form, sprinting towards the falcon and its prey.

My gut reaction was to help, but i had no idea what i could possibly do, i ran, following behind Liam unable to keep up with his pace and then i glanced down to see two paws in front of me carrying my body alone. As i ran i could see the whiskers at the end of my nose and the world around me was suddenly clearer. Liam managed to knock the falcon off the boy and was chasing it around, snapping at its wings, trying to catch the beast. I bounded over to help, snapping as the falcon dived down towards us while dodging its razor sharp talons clawing out our heads. A yelp escaped my mouth as I failed to move my now extend nose out of the way as the falcon sliced across me. Liam let out a ferocious snap as he caught the proud birds wing it his mouth. It clawed and squawked at him as it tried to free himself every time it scratched his perfect coat i heard him let out a whimper.

I flicked my eyes over to the victim in time to see the golden sphere return into his mouth and a breath of air filled his lungs. The falcon needed to be dealt with before i could help him anymore, even though the poor boy must be in so much pain, not to mention shock. Deep down in my gut i suddenly felt the urge to reach out and touch the falcon with my paw. Slowly i edged my way closer to Liam and the falcon, avoiding the attention they would give me. When i was close enough i raised my paw slightly and placed it on the back of its body pressing gently. I dont know why i did it but i must have given Liam a fright as he released his mouth and the bird managed to swoop up, gaining some height on us, until suddenly it was no longer a falcon. In its place a human dropped to the ground looking dazed and confused. I too looked over to Liam confused and he returned to human form too. I tried to return as gracefully as he did but i realised i had no idea how, i tried to think about nothing except being human but still nothing.

"Claire, go back to the apartment and wait in the shadows, ill sort all this out you cant be seen as a vixen the ambulance will soon be on its way." Liam instructed. I did my best at nodding to him and turned and walked away. "A vixen" I thought "That is amazing my shape shifting form is a vixen". I ran around and hid out of sight and waited, that was all i could do. I tried over and over to turn back but it was no use. 

"The best way to turn back is to distance yourself from your animal qualities" Liam said as he came up from behind me. I heard him approach though, my each picking up even the slightest sound. "It takes practise to get fast at doing it but i know you will get that hang of it soon". In my mind i refused to think about anything to do with being a vixen. I froze, even my brown busy tail remained stiff as i tried as hard as i could to distance myself.

"That was quicker than i expected" Liam grinned and instantly i felt the change as i was back in human form again, still crouched over like a fox though. His hand reached down to mine and we walked together back out from the shadows and up into the apartment.

"I think tonight we will just have to call for a delivered pizza tonight" he said squeezing my hand gently. I din't really care though, my appetite had completely disappeared due to the excitement and trauma of the night.


Thanks for reading :) Dont forget to check out my fb page linked at the bottom and please keep voting and commenting :D xxxx 

The Rat in the CafeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon