Chapter 14

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Alright I am home again, actually i was home from spain 2 months ago but i have been busy with school. So i am back into writing but i think the updates wont be as rapid as i am in my final year of school and i have alot of responsibility.


Liam's Point of View

The music was blasting and for once it seemed like all my troubles were gone. Kieran was out and I was finally aloud sometime to relax. Not that I didn't wish I was with Claire but she had school. She seemed to really kick it off with my dad and this bothered me, for five years I had no clue he was even still alive and now suddenly he turn up and pays more interest in my girlfriend. Suddenly I felt a great ripping in my chest and I felt the instant urge to lower the volume of the beats. In my head and out loud I heard the terrible sound. The sound of Claries screams.

Instantly I felt my blood boil as I pushed open my apartment window and looked down. Below me I saw a sight I wished I would never see, a huge brown bear hovering over my delicate girl, its paw hovering above its head. I would never make it in time if I waited for the dodgy lift to arrive so insanely I forced myself right out of the window, freefalling while I felt my body transform. I let out a roar alerting my prey of my entrance just as I saw his paw strike across Claire with so much force it knocked her right into the building walls. That must be his shifter power, strength. Just like domestics cats I landed on my paws, probably using up one of my lives. The bear turned around and faced me and out the corner of my eye I saw the little white ball begin to leave Claire's mouth.

I knew I had to keep the bear interested long enough to let Claire's body to begin healing herself like shifters do so I tore at that monster, flexing out my claws. I felt its flesh rip beneath me. I rebounded of him, his size and colour told me instantly he was a male and with a moment of being on the ground I saw his body heal right before my eyes, way quicker than I have ever seen before. He turned around and faced her again, and I knew he noticed her powers escaping her. I pounced, landing in front of him, blocking him of his prey. My teeth barred as I locked eyes with him, alerting him of my possessiveness. He lunged, but my reactions were way faster and I easily dodged, still keeping him on the other side of me.

I have no idea how I can possibly defeat him, especially when he heals as quickly as he does. Maybe strength wasn't his power after all. I flick my eyes over to Claire when I see the illuminated ball sink slowly back into her body but that glanced cost me as I felt a strong thwack across my shoulder and an ear splitting crunch. The pain escalated through my body and the world around me began to spin, but I had to keep fighting. I took my turn and raced towards him with all my strength, my jaw ready to snap. But my actions were sloppy and he easily dodged, standing up on two paws. I heard a gasp behind me, and I could hear Claire's worried thoughts in my head as consciousness swept over her.

Panic swept over me as I saw a look in the bears eyes I had never seen before, fire. His looks made the remaining adrenaline in my body rush as I lunged again, this time my jaw clasping on a mixture of flesh and fur. He let out a low grunt and tried to fling me off his right arm. I didn't remove my lips from him until I felt another strong bash, but this time to my face and I could feel my energy draining. I glanced back at Claire to check her safety when I saw the bushes around her engulfed in flames, I had been so focused on my bite I had misheard her coughs amongst the flames.

Risking it all, I continued to leave my focus of the bear and rushed to her aid. Her face was bashed and bruised and her arm looked out of shape and twisted. My teeth found the bottom of her shirt and I dragged her out of the flames, my back to the bear. I managed to evacuate her from the danger but then again the bear struck. He smashed me dead in the face and I felt my animal instincts slip from my body. My body ached and I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold on. I lashed out and felt my claws scrape against the leg of the bear and then my body gave up. I slumped back into my human form and I saw the bear instantly change its direction and head towards her. My eyes flicked to hers and for a split second ours connected before she looked back at the bear charging towards her.

Black spots began to cloud into my vision and I strained to see what was going on, not that I wanted to see my girl be ripped to shreds. She stood up, facing towards the bear and then she shifted her vixen body radiating with a gold tinge and her fur mattered with blood. She stood her ground and the bear froze, its eyes fixed on her. Watching and waiting for her next move. She slowly inched her way towards him, a slight limp to her pace. When she was almost in reaching distance her body began to shin like foil in the sun. The bear fled, turning fast on its paws, running, sprinting away. The dots got the better of me and I blacked out as I felt a tugging on my shirt and the sound of sirens filling my ears.

I woke in immense pain shocking through my body and I saw draped across my body Claire in her human form. I lifted my arm, which was a mission as it was stiff and covered in dry blood. Across her face was the scratch marks of a bear paws and I gently ran my finger across the gashes. She stirred and looked across at me, questioning in my head if I was okay.

"I'm fine" I replied "How did we get over here?"

"After the bear left I heard the police coming, someone must have reported wild animals loose and the fire so I tugged you along out of sight as you had passed out and then I couldn't carry on any further." Claire informed me.

I helped her up and led her back to the ground level of my apartment building. She helped me to stand and I helped her. Together we must have looked like a right pair, all black and blue and hobbling along. As we reached my apartment after the slow ride in the lift I could hear voices, and laughter from my apartment and I knew that Kieran and Anna were in their as their thoughts flooded my head.

"It was unbelievably hilarious" I heard Anna shriek "So we ended up going to lunch together and he insisted he should pay for everything almost forgetting that I am already taken so not wanting to burst his bubble I let him and then next thing I know he is full on proposing to me asking to be his girlfriend." Kieran's low chuckle followed and I could feel his jealous thoughts as he wished he could have been the one taking her to lunch.

Claire and I bundled through the door and for a second time I saw the looks of horror on their faces as we came in injured even worse than last time.

"Oh shit Liam" gasped Anna "Why do you always end up walking through this door a mess"

Anna fussed like usual and sat Claire and I down on the couch, relaxing us, giving our bodies the best chance to heal quickly. Claire explained to us all how see ended up being chased by the bear and then I carried on the story from when I heard her terrified scream.

Kieran and Anna sat frozen, and their minds told me they were absolutely shocked at the bear. Deep down in all of our minds it is clear that the bear is the strongest shifter any of us have ever seen.

"I think he is the leader of these rogue shifters that have been attacking everyone lately, but this time he focused on Claire, as if he knew she was special." I announced, confirming what everyone was thinking. I looked over at Claire, reassuring her that no matter what I would protect her enveloping my hand into hers.

"The bear think you are powerful Claire" I heard Kieran tell her "I don't think he will bother you for a while but just don't go anywhere by yourself and I'm sure one of us can always watch over you."

I looked down at my body and saw that I was completely healed and Claire too, not even a scratch was left on her beautiful face. I smiled at her squeezing her hand gently.

"Come on, it think we should get you home before your mum begins to worry and I promise you will not be left alone." I said to her "Anna you two can have a sleep over right?"

"I'm always keen for some girl time" Anna giggled as I helped Claire up out of the couch.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So sorry this took so long to write but please vote and comment your opinions and tell all your friends to read :D if you have anyquestions feel free to ask. Goodnight everyone. Tonight is my last night being 17 so i thought i needed to make a post.

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