Chapter 3

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After talking about Crazy Stupid Love in my previous chapter i just had to rewatch the film, i love it so much and that is why i have only now started to write chapter 3, oh well i hope you enjoy it <3

Chapter 3

"World War Two finished on the 2nd of September 1945 with an Allied victory" Anna answered quickly jolting me from my daydream back into the real world. The real world of school and even worse history.  I don't even know why i took history i hate it so much the only thing that i find enjoyable is the the teacher. Mr Howdrell was also a Drama teacher, so occasionally we would get very dramatic lessons and some very dry jokes. Anna smiled at me, knowing full well i was daydreaming. Thats another great thing about our friendship, we always take the same subjects and to our luck we are always in the same classes. 

"Well done Annabel, its good to see someone paying attention in my class" Mr Howdrell congratulated, aiming the second half of the comment at me. Why would i need to pay attention it's not like history is going to get me anywhere in life. Yes i do understand the quote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemmed to repeat it" but i find no point or enjoyment in history.

I felt something hit on the side of me head and i looked to my left to see Andrew throughing broken up pieces of erasers at me and Anna. Once he had our attention a scrumpled up piece of paper flew across the classroom and landed at my feet.

"Do you want to join me for lunch at Mc Donalds" it read. My heart skipped a beat, Andrew wasnt my green eyed stranger but he was someone willing to take me to lunch. As i was deciding what to write back another deformed scrap of paper landed in my lap.

"That was meant for Annabel" was all it read, no apology or anything. I dumped the two notes on her desk, letting out a slight huff. It was always Anna that the boys were interested in never me, for once i wanted to be first choice not second best to my best friend. She gave me and apologetic smile before scribbling down that she was spending lunch with someone more important, me. You could hardly call her writing scribble though, it looked like it had come right out of microsoft office word. I watched as Andrew's face dropped as he read her note, Anna nudged me in the ribs and we burst out laughing. It was like he had just read his death notice not a rejection note.

When the bell finally rang i was super excited, i loved Monday lunchtimes as me and Anna would always go into town to buy our lunch, it was our way of curing mondayitis. Today we were going to Subway because our favourite sub Pork Riblet was on special as it was the sub of the day. I was super glad we wernt going to maccas today, i would have been so embarrased if i saw Andrew there, i cant believe i thought it was me he was asking out instead of Anna.

We were going to take our Subway to the park today and feed crumbs to the ducks but first we had to wait for Anna's Smoothie to be made so we sat down at the last empty table and waited.

"I still can't forget his face when he read my note" Anna giggled. I nodded in agreement, it was pretty funny but i guess deep down i was being invaded by the green jealousy monster and i think Anna was starting to notice. 

"Claire, whats wrong, gorgeous?" Anna asked. I looked down at the floor,

"Sometimes i just...." i was about to tell her how jealous i was of all the attention she got, well not quite as bluntly as that but then, he walked in, him and a mate who might i add looked like he need to eat two foot long subs. I froze and Anna looked up to see what was wrong.

"Stay Calm" she wispered "and breathe."

I looked over at him, taking in every aspect of his body, the eyes that entranced me were turned away from my direction but i could see how large his build was. He was a good head taller than me and his sholders were like a swimmers, strong and dominant. His skin perfectly tanned almost glowing and his legs long and filled with muscle.

He wispered something in his friends ear that i couldn't hear over the noise of people munching, wrappers rustling, and the roar of voices but then without even looking in my direction they turned and left. My eyes never left him once until he was out of sight. It was then that i wished i had got up and talked to him but my concentration on him soon was lost as Anna constantly tapped on my shoulder giggling. In one hand she held her smoothie and her bag cantaining her sub and the other hand rested on my shoulder. I hadnt even noticed her get up and recieve her smoothie but she had obviously noticed my constant staring. Between her giggles she looked at me and said,

"Come on, the ducks are getting hungry"


Thanks for reading, i hope it was okay as it took a long time to write today, i couldnt quite get the words out right. ;)

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p.s i dont think i will be able to upload tomorrow as i have work all day and then my friend is staying so we can catch up on our homework together...

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