Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"That's the seventh time in two minutes now" Anna remarked as i slipped my phone back into my pocket.  Why hadn't he text me yet, was he even going to? I wish he had given me his number instead, but would i have texted him by now if he did? Would it look too desperate? Maybe he just wasn't texting me cause he didn't want to seem too obsessed, or maybe he just didn't want to see me again. Subconsciously i whipped my phone out of my pocket again and pressed the on button. Yet again, no new messages. Anna reached out and snatched my phone out of my hand.

"I'm confiscating this till later, you're no fun when you're obsessed." Anna smirked

"But what if he texts me" I complained trying to grab it back off her, but like always her reactions were far to quick leaving me with my arms crossed and annoyed facials.

"If he texts you, i will give it back i promise now focus on the lesson, remember we have a quiz tomorrow."

I sat there drawing on the edge of my book, not even bothering to listen to what my chemistry teacher was trying to teach. The moment i didn't understand something i always zoned out which meant i got behind even further, i replayed last nights events over and over again trying to interpret if he felt anything for me. Liam. If i had my phone right now i would have checked it again but now i cant.

Chemistry dragged on and i completely missed everything Miss Helens told us about enthalpy and energy change and then finally the bell rang. Lunchtime. 

"Claire i have to sign out, i have an appointment to go to, will you be okay without me?" Anna asked while helping me rub out my scribbles that kinda resembled Liam's name. I shrugged, i hated lunch without her as i didn't have any other friends that i could hang out with, everyone had their own groups leaving me and Anna alone. Everyone liked Anna and she could fit in with anyone, but me on the other hand there was nothing special about me and people generally forgot i even existed. I felt her arms wrap around me, her form of an apology before i felt her slip my phone into my pocket. 

"I'll see you after school" she said raising her voice a little over the crowds of students who flocked into the corridors as she walked away, leaving me abandoned. She would miss last spell which was maths, but that was fine she was top of the class anyway and it would give me a chance to show the teacher what i was capable of, instead of being anna's shadow. I gave her a little wave before retreating into the warm library to lose myself in a book, a distraction to forget about him.

"The first person to tell me how to work out the normal probability distribution gets a small chocolate moro" My maths teacher challenged. This was easy, we did it yesterday and i had already memorised it as it would be very useful in exams. I shot up my hand to see that i was the only one up in the class. "Easy chocolate" i thought to myself.

"Really, can none of you answer this, we did this yesterday and i told you how vital it would be to memorise this procedure." A slightly angry tone crept into her voice as she practically dared anyone to answer.

"Ms. Stephens, i know how to do it." i said, projecting my voice around the classroom but no-one even turned to look at me not even my teacher.

"First go into menu then into stat and then into dist. Next press Norm followed by Ncd." I tried to explain but still no-one even took notice of me. This was really weird, what was happening to me. Did everyone completely forget of my existence.

"As none of you have been able to tell me the correct way it looks like we will have to repeat yesterdays lesson again today" She announced disappointed. It was like i had completely dissapeared. I looked down at myself to check i really was still here and sure enough i could see my legs under the desk and my hand holding my pen. With my other hand i reached down and pinched my leg just to check it really was there. Yup it was, i definitely felt that. I got up from my seat and walked towards the front of the room, asking for trouble, waiting for her to tell me to return to my seat. Nothing, not even a flinch in her eyes as i stood right next to her facing the class. Their faces empty and expressionless, surely if i was up the front of the class they would show some expression. Then it dawned on me, maybe i was invisible, that would explain why nobody could see me. I reached into my pocket, still no new messages. I sent a message to Anna saying, "Help, no one can see me...I'm so confused." What if i stay like this forever, Unable to be seen by my friends and family. This would definitely put a stop to me seeing Liam again, well i could see Liam but he definitely wouldn't see me again. I left the classroom as the door was open and walked out to the car park where i would normally wait for Anna. Hopefully her appointment would be over by now and she could come and help me, if she can even find me. Our school wasn't too large, it had about 800 students behind me was all the classrooms, all one story and in front of me the school office. The car park was out of bounds during school so it was very fortunate i couldn't be seen as otherwise i would have earned myself an afternoon detention.

After about 15 minutes of waiting completely bored and lonely i saw Anna drive up in her car, and then i saw him. Liam was with her and they both looked as happy as kids who have come back from the worlds largest theme park. She was with him, that was her appointment. It didn't really surprise me though, all the guys i liked ended up liking her instead. She called out to me and opened the back door of her car, reluctantly i got in, completely embarrassed even though neither of them could see me. "Think about being visible" was all he said to me and then we drove in silence. I put all of my concentration into trying to be seen again but i had no clue what i was doing. I just chanted over and over in my head "Be seen! Be Seen!.

"Welcome Back" Anna giggled "We are off to Liams appartment, he wants to tell you something really important" I saw Liam smile in the mirror and i pondered on what this important thing could be.

"Anna, what happened to me?"

"You went invisible" he replied, answering for her. That's not possible i thought to myself, is it?

"Yup its possible." He laughed, it was almost like he knew i was thinking it. This boy really is strange and secretive, why cant he just tell me this important thing now. I looked over to see him smiling again, he is probably going to tell me he has feelings for Anna or something ridiculous like that. Why did i even like him in the first place. Would Anna do that to me though? Would she say yes to him even though it would hurt me so much?


Thanks so much for reading, this is really the start of something really big. Please vote and comment and get all your friends to read. Yay three nights in a row of uploading!!!

Seeya :D

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