Talking To A Guy

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We all know that talking to a guy is like really hard especially if you don't talk to him very often. So here are some tips, topics and conversation starters to help!

1) know his interests!

Does he play sport? Is he into music? Art? Science?

Talk to him about things he can relate to. Things he wants to talk about.

2) Treat him like a friend!

If you find it too awkward to have a full conversation with him, just treat him like a friend. Guys are used to girls treating them like this so he won't find it weird. Just say to hi him when you can, wave, smile! Then slowly build up to a real conversation!

3) Try not to talk to him all the time...

This seems like a weird tip but guys don't like it when you're too clingy so give them space. Don't get me wrong, still speak to them regularly but just not all the time, maybe a just couple of times a week.

4) Find out more about him!

If you don't know much about them or their interests, just ask them. It's a great conversation starter and you get to learn more about them! Who doesn't love talking about themselves!

5) Make plans!

When get pretty close to them, make plans to go somewhere, do something! Make sure it's something you both enjoy and you can talk about it before and laugh about together after. It's a really great topic!

Sorry I haven't written a lot recently! I've been experiencing writers block but thanks to my supportive friends on wattpad I've been encouraged to continue writing. I've been stuck on topics so I would love it if you could leave requests! If you're embarrassed to leave a comment, feel free to private message me your requests and I'll keep them anonymous! Thanks for getting me to 1K!

Saffron xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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