How can you tell if a boy likes you?

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How can you tell if a boy likes you? If he does any three or more of these things he probably likes you:

1. He starts the conversation with you.

2. He tries to act cool with his friends in front of you.

3. If one of his friends tell you that he likes you (even as a joke 😜)

4. He puts his arm around you when he speaks to you.

5. He tries to talk to you whenever possible even about the randomest things.

6. You hear him talking to his friends about you.

7. He fights with you in a friendly way just to get your attention.

8. He likes your pictures on Facebook, Instagram, etc.

9. He knows what lessons you're in.

10. He tries to talk to your friends.

11. He acts strange when you talk to another guy.

12. He flirts with other girls just to make you jealous.

13. He has his phone out quite a lot around you. (So you can suggest exchanging numbers or just to impress you)

14. He gives you a stupid nickname to annoy you.

15. He laughs at all your jokes.

16. Sometimes they pretend they don't like you and stay away from you, insult your clothes, etc. (This doesn't necessarily mean he likes you, he could genuinely hate you!)

17. If something awkward happens between you, he just acts like it never happened:

(e.g. he has his arm around you and one of your friends tease you, he'll walk away and the next day he'll just do it again!)

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