Things girls do...

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This is more writing because I want to explain things. I'll put the main point in bold! xx

Make up free - I know that I've mentioned it but it's true! Guys do care about appearance, don't get me wrong, but wearing make up makes guys think you just want attention! I know that we don't wear it for attention and most girls just wear it to boost their self confidence but guys see things differently and in my experience girls, who don't wear make up, get the guys. Want to know why? It's because guys feel uncomfortable and even intimidated by girls who wear make up. It sounds stupid but it practically makes them pretty much unapproachable. Trust me you don't need make up, you're beautiful just the way you are xx

Funny- Boys like it when girls are naturally funny. When people try too hard it can really just make you seem UNfunny. (<--- is that a word?) Be yourself! Everyone is funny in their own way so don't try to be like someone else!

Tom-boy- CONFESSION!!! Most guys say they like girly girls. That's not true! They say it because their idea of a tomboy is a girl who is manly, doesn't care about appearance at all, never opens up and shares her feelings, acts like a dude, unpopular, rebellious, has no sympathy or personal hygiene and is not pretty and can never be girly. THIS IS NOT A TOMBOY!!! Okay?

Real Tomboys are attractive to guys.

Some guys describe their perfect girls as girly but you can watch sport with. Intelligent but fun loving. Pretty, gorgeous even but not too OTT or flaunts it around. Thats a tomboy!

A Tomboy is basically a normal girl. She is pretty but down to earth. She doesn't think she's too stunning so she doesn't try too hard to keep that rep. She likes to enjoy life and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She can have a good laugh and doesn't get offended when people don't compliment her or guys don't pay her attention. She wants to just be herself and not worry about what everyone else wants from her. She is still a girl and can be as glamorous as she wants but only occasionally.

(I could write a whole chapter on Tom boys xx)

Stop being what others want, be what you want!

Eat!- Girls don't eat a lot because they're insecure about their weight. This just makes me wanna punch them in the face and say "Listen, bitch, you weigh the same as my hamster so just eat already for fucks sake!!" It drives me insane because these people usually are so skinny that if they starve themselves anymore they would literally be better off as a stick!

here are some reasons why you should eat more:

1. Eating regularly in small amounts actually helps to boost your metabolism, so you can stay skinny!

(Fact: you lose more calories eating celery than you gain from the actual food! I hate celery #justsayin)

2. Guys find it hot when a girl can eat a lot! It's irresistible!

3. It keeps you healthy if you eat the right foods.

4. Eating an apple everyday for an entire year reduces and protects against wrinkles, acne, dry skin, etc.

SMILE!- It's so simple but it really does help. Again #cheekbones! But really:

"The best make up a girl can wear is her smile," ~ Zayn Malik

Thanks guys for reading and voting! love you all xx

Boys! &lt;3 xxxWhere stories live. Discover now