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     Rowan woke up the next morning to a buzzing sound. Her eyes flew open at the sound, briefly startled, before she recognized it as a phone vibrating on the bedside table. She planned on ignoring it, closing her eyes and wanting to go back to sleep, before she realized that the pillow her head was resting on was moving up and down. A moment later, she realized it wasn't a pillow at all. It was a stomach. Raising her head, she caught sight of a light purple tank-top before she raised her eyes and saw that she was lying on top of Elena. It was hardly surprising. They were squeezing four people into a single bed. Still, Rowan's muscles froze, and she couldn't bring herself to move off of the other girl. Not until Elena woke too and realized it was her phone that was ringing.

Elena twisted to reach her phone, too tired to realize she could have easily reached it with her other hand without raising herself from the bed. Rowan tried to raise herself up off of her at the same time, not realizing how close she was to the edge of the bed until her slipped. She clutched onto Elena in an attempt to keep from rolling off the bed. It did nothing but drag them both down. The thump when they landed on the hardwood floor was the loudest thing in the room, effectively waking up Caroline and Bonnie, who were cuddling together in a similar way.

Rowan groaned, reaching up to rub at her eyes. Elena scrambled for her phone, which was still ringing. She was on top of Rowan now, straddling her waist. When Rowan realized that, she looked at the brunette with wide, startled eyes. Elena didn't seem to notice. She had finally found her phone and was now bringing it to her ear. Finally, she scrambled off to escape into the hall, and Rowan dived back up into the bed, curling up under the covers and burying her face into a pillow. Her face felt too hot, the blood rushing there uncomfortable.

"You should make a move," Caroline said from beside her. Rowan peeked up from the pillow, only to see that Caroline had twisted around and was now staring at her with sparkling eyes and wearing a wide, mischievous smile.

"I should make a what," Rowan said, voice flat and unamused. Caroline only raised her eyebrows.

"A move," she said lightly. "Can't you hear?"

"Mind your fucking business," Rowan all but snapped. She saw Caroline lurch back a little, looking astonished. Rowan raised her eyebrows in response. "What? Can't you hear?" Speaking in such a way, with little to no disregard to the feelings of the person she was talking to, was somewhat a relief. Not because she enjoyed being mean to Caroline, but because it was familiar. It had been so long since she felt something truly familiar.

"You know," Caroline said thoughtfully, once the shock of Rowan's sharp words wore off. "I actually kind of missed your bitchiness. We were always bitchy toward each other, right? It's almost like our own personal form of affection." A smile, still as wide and bright as before Rowan had snapped at her, stretched across her face. "Welcome back, bitch." A scoff flew from Rowan's mouth before she could stop it.

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