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     Rowan ended up riding with Stefan on the drive home from seeing Abby Bennett, not because of any petty reasons toward Elena, but simply because it was convenient. Elena and Bonnie were going to have a small sleepover at Elena's house so that Bonnie could recover from everything without any questions from her dad, and Rowan wanted to simply go straight to bed as soon as she got there. She didn't want to switch from one car to another. She would go and get her car from Elena's house the next morning, after she was well-rested. The drive back with Stefan was primarily silent, except for when Damon called. He'd called to reveal that Klaus had figured out where the coffins were. That had been all he'd said before he hung up, muttering darkly about being dragged into shit by Stefan. Stefan had barely reacted to the news, already in such a foul mood from being shot with wooden bullets that he didn't have the energy to get angrier. Rowan was much in the same boat.

By the time they reached the Salvatore House, both of them were dragging their feet in exhaustion. They opened the front door and saw that Damon was waiting for them in the main living room, the fire roaring high in the fireplace, a drink in his hand. Rowan cast an eye over him quickly, annoyed that she was relieved to see he was in one peace. Klaus could've at least ripped a finger off or something. Rowan dumped her purse by the door, pausing only long enough to drag her phone out of it. Stefan walked ahead of her to join Damon in the living room.

"Oh, you're still alive?" Stefan said as a greeting, bounding down the small stairs leading into the room. Rowan pulled her hair free from the hairband and ran her fingers through it, grimacing as sawdust flittered to the ground. She needed a shower and a very deep and peaceful sleep. "I assume that means Klaus didn't get his coffins."

"Don't look so happy," Damon said, his voice dry. "I was only able to get one of them out in time. The locked one." Rowan made a dismissive sound. Instead of turning toward the staircase, she descended into the living room, having to go through it to get to the cellar. She needed blood before she showered or slept. She and Stefan hadn't stopped anywhere to feed after being shot, and she was sure Stefan was as starving as she was.

"Probably a good choice," Stefan said, voice deceptively light. Rowan paused to glance back at him.

"Yeah. You know, if you're banking on Bonnie's mama to open it, you're screwed. She doesn't have any powers." Rowan narrowed her eyes in annoyance. Elena must have called Damon to tell him that while she and Bonnie had drove back home. Rowan hadn't mentioned it to Stefan; she had honestly forgotten about it completely, too consumed with having been shot.

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