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     Dear old dad will slaughter the lot of you for me.

Rowan hadn't liked Mikael from the beginning, and had been wary of the plan to kill Klaus as well, but now she felt like she was going to puke. It took her too long than she cared to admit to stop herself from shaking. Henrik was long gone by then, disappearing into the crowd of dancing bodies in front of the stage as he left Rowan to process what he had just said. She pressed a trembling hand over her mouth, closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, then turned away from the bodies in favor of trying to find one of her friends. She didn't see any of her friends, but she did see Katherine standing up on a slight hill, an uneasy expression on her face. Rowan glanced around her, then fiddling with a lock of her hair nervously as she made her way toward Katherine. Katherine noticed her immediately, but didn't hurry to catch up to her; she just waited at the top of the small incline until Rowan was in reaching distance, and then she reached down to help Rowan the rest of the way up, her hand in Rowan's own. The onlookers, it just looked like one girlfriend helping the other, but to Rowan, she could feel the panic in Katherine's grip. The fear that made her squeeze her fingers harder than was necessary.

"What is it?" Rowan demanded once she was settled at Katherines side. Katherine still had that uneasy look on her face, and her eyes were darting back and forth, like she was fighting off her fight or flight response and about to lose. Rowan sensed, with mild alarm, that Katherine was about to flee, so she instantly squeezed Katherine's fingers back until Katherine hissed under her breath. "What happened? Why do you look like you're about to make a run for it?"

"Klaus cornered me," Katherine snapped, though she managed not to raise her voice above a whisper. Her eyes were still darting around the party, looking for enemies, escape routes. Rowan moved her hand from Katherine's fingers and to her wrist, squeezing so hard she felt Katherine's bones under her skin. It didn't hurt Katherine at all, but it did bring her out of her frantic flight state long enough to glare down at the grip.

"What happened?" Rowan demanded, squeezing her wrist again. Katherine's glare sharpened even more. "Did he recognize you?" Katherine grimaced, glancing away to survey the party once again.

"No, I don't think so," Katherine sighed. "He would've mocked me if he had recognized me." Katherine straightened and shot Rowan a curious look. "What did Henrik say?" Rowan grimaced at her, showing her precisely how bad the news from Henrik was without even saying anything. Katherine pressed her lips together. Her twitching had become more noticeable.

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